Wednesday, July 21, 2010

An alright day

Today my day started out a lil bad.  Medical sucks 99.9% of the time it seems, while on Tricare Prime it seems that way.  The doctor refuses to give me a referral when they have no appointments this week available, all they told me was to go to the ER when it is not an emergency, but I need to be seen.  So, for the first 2 hours of me being up I was calling a bunch of numbers and still have no appointment.  Thinking tomorrow I am going to go face them in person.

After putting up with a lot of dumb people with medical I decided to take lil man to the park, but first of course he ahs to have his John Cena cup from 7-Eleven.  I agreed to get him one.  So, we go into 7-Eleven and they have 4 wrestling cups and they have only 3 stakes sitting there and what is my luck the one that is missing is John Cena.  Zander at this point is telling me he wants no other cup, but the john Cena cup.  We walk up to the counter and the older woman looks at me like I am stupid because Zander is demanding for this cup.  The younger lady walks over there and starts pulling out all of this cups from the dispenser till she found Zander his John Cena cup.  I am so glad that she found one or I would of been stuck going around to 7-Elevens all over town till I found him that freaking cup.  Now he is carrying around the action figure that comes off of the straw.
At the park, while Zander was playing I decided that today I am going to start getting things down that are on my "bucket list".  Today me and lil man went for a mile walk and after we came home I decided to mow the yard, which I consider my workout for the day, lol.  I am going to work out everyday from now on even if it has just to be walking.  After 30 days I will mark it off of my list.  Also, Day 1 without eating fast food, YAY.  I find myself a lot of times being lazy with not cooking when the hubby isn't  home, but I want to break myself from that.  If I can go 30 days without eating fast food I will be happy.

Tonight I have to clean and wash clothes...Why, my in laws are on their way way down, they will be here tomorrow.  I am so excited to have them here.  They seem like the only ones from back home that ever comes up here to see us anyways.  Plus, I love my father in laws cooking.  He can cook and I don't complain when he is here because I get to have country cooking.  Yeah, yeah, yeah...I know that kind of cooking is bad for me especially when I am trying to lose weight, but it is only for a couple of days.  Talking about losing weight I am hiding my freaking scale.  I have a bad habit with almost stepping on it everyday, so I figured if I hide it and only weight myself once a month it would probably make me feel better.  I want to lose 40 pounds which will put me down to the size before I got pregnant with lil man.  I am determine to get back down there.

Well, I am off to clean and do laundry....Oh what fun...but as we all know it is part of being a mommy and a wife.

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