My little mini vacation from babysitting ended yesterday, but today is Friday. I got so use to going to bed late...waking up without an alarm, it felt so great. Even though I am in my mind 20's, I love to sleep in and yes people my child does also. Yesterday my alarm went off and I actually feel back to sleep, I just ignored it and the hubby kept poking me for me to get up. Well, this morning I got up earlier than I usually do. What happen was I woke up and the hubby wasn't in bed, he gets home around 4 in the morning and it was a little after 6. Well, he was in the living room, it was so quite in the house that I got up and went looking for him and was going to call to see if it was still at work, but he was eating pizza rolls at 6:00 am in the morning....guys. Anyways, so he comes to bed and I was trying to go back to sleep and he just kept talking what time do you have to get up.....wake me up at this time....just on and on. I love him, but all I wanted was just to go back to sleep. I ended up getting up because he wouldn't stop moving so now I am super sleepy. It is funny actually....lil man got up looking for me wanting to go back to sleep, so where did I stick bed with the hubby. Tomorrow hopefully I will get to sleep in.
Talking about sleep I am kinda dreading when Zander starts to school, because that means waking up early 5 days a week. I have done it before it is just that I have to get use to it. I have to learn to go to bed a little bit earlier than what I usually do. Need to only get on the computer to do my homework and to check my msgs and then get my butt off.

Anyways, I am off of here the kids I babysit should be arriving in a couple of minutes. I hope everyone got a goodnight sleep and got to sleep in.
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