Sunday, February 28, 2010
What a day......
Now I get on-line and view the bank statement something is screwed up with that I am hoping I can figure that one out. Going on with today......Lil Man got fun dip all over the new carpet in the living room I tried everything to get it up...didn't work. I got on-line and googled and I got must of it up after I found this neat trick, lol. You wet the spot on your carpet with water and dawn dish soap, lay a towel over it and iron the towel. You have to do it several times. It didn't come all the way out, but amazingly it brought most of it out and also lighten it. I just turned the carpet around and he is hidden now were people won't see it when they walk through the door.
On the good unit got fixed so now my heat works right. One less thing to stress about :).
So today is the last day of February.....YAY......With March comes me getting another year older. In which I HATE. I am going to be 24 that means 6 more years till I turn 30. I am not complaining though.....With age you become more wiser. Plus, the hubby comes back in April.....and the in laws are coming down in April so it is something to look forward to. So until April gets here I am just going to breathe in and out and hopefully things will stop messing up around here for me to get a break.
Well gals and guys I am outta here for tonight. Thanks for reading
Friday, February 26, 2010
Finally breaking down....
If you are a military wife you will know what I am talking about. I guess when you are going thur a deployment there are some days where it just gets to you and it gets to you good. Well I guess today is my day. It is almost 11 pm and I am in tears. It's just all the emotions rolled up into one and it's hard to hold them back. It's the end of the week and it seems like everything decided to go wrong this week. I just wrote hubby an email and I know he is going to be mad at it, but at the time I sent it I didn't care. Yes I understand that when they get liberty off the ship, they get to go site seeing....but why the hell spend so much money. I want to be so mad at him, but at the same time I'm not. It's the emotions of I miss him, I am mad at him, I can't talk to him when I want to, I have barely got to talk to him today...Just to tell him hae fun and DON'T spend to much money. I was looking foward to the phone call tonight, but I understand that the phones aren't always working on the ship. I can go on and on about this, but I keep telling myself this is military life. This isn't my first deployment and I am pretty sure it isn't going to be my last, but they never get easier. I am hoping breaking down tonight that tomorrow morning will give me a fresh start. We only have 44 days left of this deployment (hopefully) and I just keep telling myself that is just a little bit over a month. For the time being I am just going to breathe in and breathe out. Oh the joys of being a military wife..................
One LONG Day.....
Tomorrow I have to go pay rent and I am hoping that the landlord is home because the unit guy lied. I tried to call him today and he didn't answer, which pissed me off. I just want the freaking thing fixed. I will be so happy when it is fixed.
If you live in Virginia Beach NEVER, EVER, rent from Harpers Square. When I first moved to Virginia Beach almost 5 years ago, we lived there and I loved it. We moved and because I loved it so much there we moved back. Well we got robbed there at the end of 2008 and they were nice people and they let us move townhomes. Well I didn't live here when my husband deployed. He turned in a notice back in December the woman said it was ok over the phone just come in and sign the papers after he came back from leave because he was on the ship off and on and finally got to come home on Christmas leave. Well....he went back and they acted like he didn't even call. He gave them a long enough notice, but he had to put in another 30 days notice to their face...wait it gets better (yeah right). Well, when we moved in we put $450 down. I figured we would get back at least half of that because they have to take out like 5 days of Febuary's rent. Well, I called them yesterday because I got a letter in the mail.....they screwed us ove BIG time. Out of the $450, we only get back .59 cents. I am waiting on the statement in the mail because I am pretty sure they over charged us...Actually I know for sure.
I am going to get off of here for tonight and wait for the hubby to call. I hope you gals and guys have a wonderful Friday night.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Saying Goodbye.....
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Gloomy Day....
So I watched 27 dresses last night. It was my second time seeing the movie, but it has been awhile. I love the movie. I cannot imagine being the maid of honor 27 times and twice in one night. You have to be a super woman maid of honor to do that. Talking about movies I can't wait till the new Twilight move comes out June 30. I was one of these people that would not watch Twilight because everyone else did and I thought it was just another vampire movie. The first time I watched it I fell in love, lol. I also went to the movies in seen New Moon twice, I know I am such a dork.
Tomorrow is going to be a semi busy day with going to the school and I have to go shopping I have to go buy lil man some night time pull ups. Does anyone have any suggestions about potty training a toddler for night time? I thought about buying a mattress cover and let him just learn to go in middle of the night. Talking bout lil man he is currently mad at me because I cannot find his Spongebob pj's. He is yelling mommy I want my spongebob ones and I cannot find them. Who knows what he has done with them.
Well gals and guys I have to go I have to print off a LES for the school and to make sure I have everything that I need for in the morning. I am not a morning person at all and I ave to wake up at 7:30. Thanks god the school isn't even 2 minutes away. It is just right around the corner. Also please keep my step father in prayers because he is have surgery this week on his heart.
Goodnight everyone and thanks for reading
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Just a normal day for a Navy wife.........
Well talking about my day I have finished my laundry FINALLY!!!! I deserve a cookie...not it will ruin my goal#2. Talking about Goal #2, which is exercise more, I am thinking about getting a gym membership. The gym sounds awesome. For 19.99 a month you get unlimited guest, unlimited tanning bed, unlimited massage chairs, and Monday-Friday it is 24/7. That isn't bad for 19.99 a month. I could really use the tanning beds, lol. Now here comes the tricky part is talking my husband into it. He has already said why pay for one when the base has one for free, lol. The base is like 15 mins away and its not 24/7 and it does not have tanning beds, lol. I think I can talk him into it. Wish me luck because I am going to need it.
Well, my heat is still not all the way complete. It will heat, but ONLY when it is on cooling. This thing is stressing me out to the max. This guy said he would come back tomorrow so lets see if he shows. I guess yesterday he came and he didn't even tell me he was here. He parked his truck where I could not see it at all. The one thing I am stressing about mostly the owner going to make us pay for it when it isn't ever our fault. He said something got shoved in the unit. Well the freaking unit has been frozen up since we have moved in. We got the ice storm and it froze up. I called the home owner when I first noticed it was frozen the unit guy calls and says the ice will melt in a couple of which it didn't so I called back and the homeowner says that the unit guy said spray it with a water hose to melt the ice. All the ice didn't melt, but the unit guy came out and said he has a leak and I guess from there everything else went wrong with it.
This is one of the parts I hate about being a military wife when your husband is deployed. Everything is on you. It's like being a single parent. Everything goes wrong, honestly is seems like it does. I always prepare myself for the worse and I guess that is why I stress a lot because I always imagine the worse. I always have and I am hoping one day that will change.....I keep hoping.
Deployment wise I guess everything is on track we are done to around 47 days and I say around because everything always changes, you just never can tell. Last night my lil boy said "Mommy I want daddy". and I replied "Mommy wants daddy to", he grabs me by my chin and says "Mommy daddy is on ship you can't have daddy" and then he proceeds to tell me that daddy is staying on the ship and never coming home. Its sad when you have to explain to your child that daddy is on ship and one day he will be back home. Zander is to that age were he is understanding a little of what is going on, but not all of it.
Well gals and guys I have to get going. I have to cook dinner for me and my lil man and I am going to sit and relax and watch 27 dresses tonight. See you wonderful people tomorrow. Thanks for reading. :)
Monday, February 22, 2010
Getting on with life.......So I have been super lazy today. I have been telling myself since I moved here that I need to exercise everyday because I have no job so I do not want to put on weight I forbid that!!!!! So my #2 goal is to exercise. I need to do something, I also need to watch what I eat. I was losing weight till I moved back up here to VA. I just want to get down to a good weight. Its funny I guess everyone wants to lose weight..Its life I guess.
So..after I wrote my blog yesterday I got off and I folded clothes...YAY me, but I didn't finish the laundry yet so I have to do that. The first thing I am going to start on once I get done writing.
Have you ever seen Made of Honor?? Well I have tried watching it a couple of times, but it keeps messing up so I have never full watched it. I ordered in from Netflix and I finally got to watch all of it. I invited a friend over and her kiddos to watch it and I liked me it wasn't worth all the waiting I did to see the end. The movie was good, but I thought the end could of been better. A movie I just recently watched on demand was Time Travelers Wife. If you have not seen this movie you need to do so. I cried and I cried. I loved it. Its now in the top 10 favorite movies of mine :).
I finally heard from the hubby. He usually sends an email to my phone first thing in the morning, but this morning he didn't. I have waited all day (like I was doing something anyways,lol) to hear from him. That is one thing about military life is when your hubby is deployed, you never know when you will hear from them. You get use to them sending you messages at certain times and when you don't receive it you get all disappointed and you worry. I have never had patience, anyone that knows me knows Dana does not have any....well being a military wife I must have just a little patience inside of me somewhere having to be patient for my sailor to come home. Goal #3: Work on my patience.
Well, I guess that is it for today. I have to go finish laundry, pick up the mess that my wonderful son made all over the house, cook dinner for us when it is time, and call the landlord to see when the freaking guy is coming out (again Dana work on patience).
Sunday, February 21, 2010
First entry
So, I have decided to start a blog as you can tell, lol. Let me start off introducing myself. I am Dana. I am married to a wonderful man named Brandon, he is in the Navy. We have a 4 year old son named Zander he is our world. Right now we are currently stationed in Virginia Beach. We love it here.
So, getting on with life....Right now we are going through a deployment, which sucks, but all deployments do. This deployment is a little bit different. Brandon left on ship and not ever a day being on ship their ship had to go to Haiti to help out. Well because they were down there some sailor's got to come home and he was one of them. So, we decided to get a house and move in it, yay we got a house...well he wasn't even here enough to get use to it. A week later he went back on ship. It was a tease for them to send him home and then send him right back out. Now that I am here in the house with Zander I had to find stuff to occupy my time...that is how I came to start a blog. I figured its something to do to pass the time away.
This coming week I have a lot to do. I have to get Zander registered for preschool next year, so I am crossing my fingers he gets in. I also have to fix the flower bed I tore all to pieces. Wash the vehicles, do laundry, and keep the house clean. Talking about laundry I hate to do it. It never fails that I will start washing clothes and then I will stop and I hate folding so it takes me forever to fold all the clothes. So that is one of my goals is to fold laundry on time and to keep up with it. When we first moved into the house I told myself I am going to keep the house totally clean....well I have kept it clean just not totally clean. I also have to work on finding me a job. I put in for a probation officer job and I hope I get it because I want something in my career, but almost any job will do.
Well, gals and guys I am signing off for tonight because I have to go fold my clothes YAY (not, lol) and I have to cook me and Zander dinner soon. I well blog to you gals and guys later.