Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Just a normal day for a Navy wife.........

Today was a pretty normal day of a navy wife/military wife.  Woke up alone...well with my son in my bed, lol.  With no one there to give me good morning kisses :'(, but I guess you get use to that after a while. So, my day kinda went sorta like this.  I watch my friend's kids while she went to the gym.  Afterwards we went out to lunch at the Silver Diner, which was awesome.  Our boys got into it, I guess it is a boy thing to fight.  I wonder about them sometimes.  It's funny one minute they are best friends the next they are battling it out.  Well, anyways, afterwards I went to Lowes.  Which brings me to my next point.  Have you girls ever been in a place like Lowes without your man and the same guy ask you over and over if you need help like you are lost or something because you are a woman?  That happen to me today and I hate it when it happens.  I feel like I am in a place like Lowes by myself I know exactly what I am in there for, there is no reason to ask me a million and one times do you need help? do you need me to show you where something is? Are you sure you don't need help?  IT IS IRRITATING!!!!!!!!! 

Well talking about my day I have finished my laundry FINALLY!!!!  I deserve a cookie...not it will ruin my goal#2.  Talking about Goal #2, which is exercise more, I am thinking about getting a gym membership.  The gym sounds awesome.  For 19.99 a month you get unlimited guest, unlimited tanning bed, unlimited massage chairs, and Monday-Friday it is 24/7.  That isn't bad for 19.99 a month.  I could really use the tanning beds, lol.  Now here comes the tricky part is talking my husband into it.  He has already said why pay for one when the base has one for free, lol.  The base is like 15 mins away and its not 24/7 and it does not have tanning beds, lol.  I think I can talk him into it.  Wish me luck because I am going to need it.

Well, my heat is still not all the way complete.  It will heat, but ONLY when it is on cooling.  This thing is stressing me out to the max.  This guy said he would come back tomorrow so lets see if he shows.  I guess yesterday he came and he didn't even tell me he was here.  He parked his truck where I could not see it at all.  The one thing I am stressing about mostly is...is the owner going to make us pay for it when it isn't ever our fault.  He said something got shoved in the unit.  Well the freaking unit has been frozen up since we have moved in.  We got the ice storm and it froze up.  I called the home owner when I first noticed it was frozen the unit guy calls and says the ice will melt in a couple of weeks...in which it didn't so I called back and the homeowner says that the unit guy said spray it with a water hose to melt the ice.  All the ice didn't melt, but the unit guy came out and said he has a leak and I guess from there everything else went wrong with it.  

This is one of the parts I hate about being a military wife when your husband is deployed.  Everything is on you.  It's like being a single parent.  Everything goes wrong, honestly is seems like it does.  I always prepare myself for the worse and I guess that is why I stress a lot because I always imagine the worse.  I always have and I am hoping one day that will change.....I keep hoping.

Deployment wise I guess everything is on track we are done to around 47 days and I say around because everything always changes, you just never can tell.  Last night my lil boy said "Mommy I want daddy". and I replied "Mommy wants daddy to", he grabs me by my chin and says "Mommy daddy is on ship you can't have daddy" and then he proceeds to tell me that daddy is staying on the ship and never coming home.  Its sad when you have to explain to your child that daddy is on ship and one day he will be back home.  Zander is to that age were he is understanding a little of what is going on, but not all of it.  

Well gals and guys I have to get going.  I have to cook dinner for me and my lil man and I am going to sit and relax and watch 27 dresses tonight. See you wonderful people tomorrow.  Thanks for reading. :)



  1. i actually watched that movie last night. its awesome. lol. i love it. i have it on my computer :) its one of my fav love movies.


  2. I dated a girl for about six months that I totally feel for. We got along great never fought but one night, i had much drink on me and then got a little jealous and then embarrassed her in front of her friends. because of that she broke up with me right there and then. for the first week i tried to do everything in my power to get her back and then i didn’t call her for a couple of weeks. we did email but she stated that i had embarrassed her and that she would never put herself through this again and that was the only thing that broke us up. (during this time, i actually contacted a spell caster prophetharry@ymail.com to help me put things together with his love spell and it helped me alot After this spell was done i waited about 3 days and the next day she sent me a light hearted text in which i responded back to. we came back to together and for about a week now we are still together.

  3. The spells cast by prophetharry@ymail.com made wonders! all of a sudden my man who broke up with me 2 months ago kept calling me to see how I am doing and just talking constantly and I knew it was because of the love spell which prophet harry did for me, my man wanted to hear my voice. Only 3 days after the love spell was cast my man told me that he wanted to come by to the house claiming he needed a outfit and he looked so lost and sad like he lost his best friend and I knew he missed me and I felt it, because i can see the sadness on his face....He said he would come the next week to visit and 2 days later after he said that at my house he wanted to move back in with me. to my surprise, he came back the next morning he was all on me kissing and rubbing on me telling me how much he missed me and loves me so much that he wants me back. i was happy and i gladly took him back, thanks to prophet harry for helping me to bring my lover back
