After I got home today I had in my mind what I wanted to put in my blog tonight for y'all to read, but I got a phone call and it all changed. My brother's wife nana was found dead today in her apartment. She was a very amazing person, very loving, and caring. When she was in the room she would brighten it up. When I got the text I had to read it twice. It was unexpected, just out of no where. Right now I feel very helpless for everyone back home because I am so far away. My brother called me crying talking about how he just seen her the other day and talked to her yesterday. All I could tell him was it was her time and she is in a better place. Losing someone always makes you set back and think about your life. Knowing that your day could be tomorrow to go. Am I on the right path in life? Does everyone know I love them? Am I living life to the fullest? All these questions just run through your head. I want to say a very special goodbye to Nana, you will always be loved and missed. You were a wonderful woman. I want everyone to remember when losing someone it is never goodbye it is just see you later.

These are the only pictures I have of Nana...I took these the first time I seen Jaxson for the first time so these are a couple of years old.
Please everyone keep Nana's family in your prayers
Ahh.. sweetie I am so sorry... She will always be with you all.. She is a part of you and will remain in your heart.. Her body is gone but not her spirit... Bless you and your family... You will be in my thoughts and prayers... HUGS..