Saturday, March 6, 2010

Mommy's Day Out...

I got to go out today with lil man....Thanks to my friend...thanks so so so much.  I decided to go to the movies to see Dear John because I have wanted to see it every since I have seen the previews for it.  Let me till you the movie was great...the ending wasn't the ending I wanted.  I cried during the movie...I know I know...but I am a girl get over it, lol...I am allowed to cry during a movie, it is in our paper work, lol.  if you haven't seen this movie it is a MUST see and Channing Tatum or course looked good in the inform....which makes me wanna watch Stop Loss tonight to see him in another uniform, lol.  Well, I was at the movies I see the there is a Sex in the City 2 coming out, I am excited about that.  I never watched Sex in the City until the movie and I fell in love.  Of course I am a Twilight fan and June 30 the new movie comes out and New Moon comes out on DVD this month.  I want the Twilight books...I have actually read the first and second one need to read the rest of them.

Getting on with life....I had a water leak some where the other day and it just stopped.  The home owner came out and looked and seen nothing.  Later on in the day the guy that works on the air unit outside said the homeowner told him to come over to look at the unit outside because it was making a loud noise and surprise has been 2 days and I haven't seen we go again with him not showing up and I am not sitting around here all day and everyday waiting on him to show...I have a life, lol

Well....I am going to go for tonight...I have stuff to do as a mommy....

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