This song takes on a different meaning this year because of Brandon being deployed. I hate having Christmas without him, but it has to go on for lil man. I love you and miss you babe.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Dear Future Military Spouse
I found this on another persons blog and I thought I would share it with everyone.
Dear Future Military Spouse:
Congratulations! You found a good man and are actively pursuing a wedding. We’re so happy for you.
We regret to inform you that, as a future military wife, you will have to undergo a severe hazing. Unfortunately, by the time you're well immersed, it may be too late to change your mind. The military is not a bowl of peaches and cherries. As Erma Bombeck famously asked once, "If life is a bowl of cherries, what am I doing in the pits?" You will come to understand this in time.
Here, compiled by the wives, fiancées, and girlfriends at: (Military Significant Other Support website and forum) is a list of things that will not please you, and strong advice on how to deal. It is separated into sections: Military Life (general), Money, Deployment (and all that follows), and Family. It is both funny and serious, trivial and deep, every day and extreme, but most of all, it is Honest.
Military Life (In General)
1. We begin with Boot camp. Boot camp really does change almost everyone. This is not always a bad thing. Sometimes they come away with pride, integrity, and more love and appreciation for you than either of you knew he was capable of feeling. Sometimes he comes home haughty, rude, or distant. Hurt, happy, or simply looking different, these are changes that you can adapt to, or move on. We strongly suggest attempting adaptation. Find a good group of friends.
2. Troops don’t work 9-5, Monday to Friday only.
3. One day they could be working days, the next, nights.
4. Don’t bother planning a vacation. Leave-chits can and probably will be denied, depending on what kind of mood their superiors are in that day.
5. If you DO get leave approved and plan a vacation, you can rest assured that at the worst possible time, you and your husband will be pulled aside and checked in airport security, because his dress uniform (WITH metal belt buckle and nameplate) will set off the alarms. Supposedly they’re not supposed to be allowed to check military members in uniform. Someone tell them that.
6. The bathroom will now be referred to as “The Head”. Your kitchen will now be “Mess hall, or Chow.”
7. You will be dumped into a totally new town where the neighbors will be crazy, no one will know how to drive, the radio stations will suck, and you’ll spend a good part of your first month trying to figure out the cheapest place to buy food and a stiff drink.
8. His friends will not only be your friends, but if you get married and move him out of the barracks/dorms, you can probably expect one or 6 of his friends to move in too.
9. Inspections
10. Moving
11. Cleaning
12. Maintaining the yard to government standards.
13. Civilians. That's pretty much a letter in itself. They do not understand your plight, fears, or added burdens. All they know is that you're swimming in cash, toss diamonds around your living room, have no neighbor troubles at all, and that you get paid by the kid in the military. It is extremely probable that none of these will ever be true, unless by "cash" you mean debt, by "diamonds" you mean tantrums because you're on your 6th move in 7 years, by "no neighbor troubles" they mean I have my head so far up my a**.....moving on...
Civilians p.2. "Civilians will never understand, but they love telling you that you knew what you were signing up for, and/or their blind, often ignorant views about your husband's job or the war that it entails."
14. “Civilians, take note. He DOES work when not on deployment. He doesn’t just sit around in my living room eating bon bons and watching soap operas. (Oh wait – or is that me because I’m a stay-at-home-mom?)
15. Stereotypes. People will assume he's cheating on you, he cusses, and he will have a tattoo. They might be right. There's a reason for the stereotypes. This is an issue that requires you TRUST him.
16. CLASSIFIED means SECRET, which means he is not ALLOWED to tell you. It's not a choice. This is another issue that requires your TRUST. It also means you need to KNOW the rules.
17. You will have to deal sometimes with higher ups who think their poop doesn't stink, and that your husband’s petty, trivial inconveniences (you know, his wife has severe depression and can't get a doctor's appointment) don't matter.
18. Also, wives who wear their husbands' rank (this is NOT always, or even often, in some cases, officers' wives. They are human too. Most of them are wonderful people. Some of them wear their husbands' ranks, but so do some enlisted wives).
19. Free medical care: Otherwise known as waiting to take care of it until you get to a base/post with a decent hospital/medical system that accepts Tricare, so you can go back and forth between the military clinic and/or Tricare over whether it’s covered or not, then go back for referrals, prescriptions, etc.
20. Just because a ship’s doc is called, “doc” doesn’t mean he’ll give the same attention and care as a doctor in the civilian world. Chances are, he won’t give much notice at all and will slap your hubby’s back and tell him to take some ibuprofen and let him know how it is in a week. Then, when your hubby goes back the week later, he’ll tell him it’s the same thing and give him more ibuprofen!
21. Another pseudo-perk: 24 hour maintenance doesn’t always mean 24 hours. Most of the time it’s, ‘Turn off the main valve for your water and we’ll have someone there between 8am and 4 pm tomorrow’, which could very well turn into next week.
22. Forget everything the recruiter told you. Their job is NOT to make happy marriages.
23. You will get screwed again and again…and again. It’s par for the course. Don’t worry, you’re not special. It’s like a code.
24. To that effect, do not be surprised if you get so stressed you begin to hear Mimes. In fact, you may just answer the questions going through THEIR heads.
Onward and upwards:
1. The BX (Aka: PX, NEX) will probably rob you, price wise. We suggest the commissary for food and batteries and basic needs. The BX does, however, price match (to downtown stores, not the commissary), and you don't pay tax. Woot.
2. Be prepared to have your pay messed up or delayed for no reason at all.
3. If the military gives you too much money, it will be ripped out of his account faster and harder than a Brazilian wax in bikini season. If they underpay him, that money will slowly trickle into his account...sometime over the next six months to three years. And if you don't catch it, don't expect to ever see it again.
4. Companies may hesitate to hire you, because they know you’ll move.
5. Likewise, the military doesn’t care if you’re halfway through college and no credits transfer. He will move when they tell him to.
6. When you do move, most likely you’ll be in Podunkville USA and air travel will be twice as expensive, or you’ll be in Touristville USA and air travel will be twice as expensive. God help you if you want to see your stateside family while he’s stationed overseas.
That wasn’t so hard. Onto:
1. To begin with: Your husband has signed up for a chance at death. I'm sorry. Some of us like to ignore this. Some like to be prepared. Some still haven't found a way to deal. See the aforementioned website and forum.
2. Six month deployments are rarely six months.
3. Acquaint yourself with your computer….fast. It may be your best friend.
4. If you hear a schedule more than a few days before it happens, most likely it will be: A.) Longer,
B.) Longer, or
C.) Longer than you anticipated.
5. If you don’t have kids, you will more than likely end up with a dog or cat.
6. Get a dog. They don’t talk back, and can’t drive for you, but they keep you warm at night, still make messes, require you to wake up at a decent hour in the morning and go to bed at a decent hour of the night. Plus you have to keep them fed and watered, so to sum it up, dogs keep you from going into the, “He’s gone; I don’t have a reason to live” fog.
7. Tylenol PM and a journal might become your best friends during deployment! Chances are a bottle of wine and a bubble bath will accompany them both. Don’t be surprised when you are doing normal things around the house and 15 minutes later you realize that you have not done them yet because you were stuck in a daydream about what it would be like if he were here right now.
8. You start missing little things like yelling at him for not taking the trash out, leaving his empty beer bottles in the living room for the dog to lick, or his socks on the stairs because he was so tired he just undressed walking up the stairs.
9. Dinner may just become pickles and dry cereal when he's not home, because you don't have to cook for anyone. Burger king (or the restaurants on post) will be one of the things you're happiest to see, but over time will become your greatest foe. You may even hiss a little when you pass them downtown, because you've spent so many lonely 8am's in the parking lot waiting for them to open, so you have someone to talk to.
10. When he comes home from a deployment, be prepared for both of you to look different. Your hair will most likely have a new style, length, and/or color, and you’ll pray that he likes it. He will have gained or lost weight, and have much shorter hair than your liking. He may come back with a new tattoo and/or scars. You may have either gained weight from nervous/bored eating, or lost weight because you had no appetite while he was gone. Despite all that, you’ll buy a fabulous new dress to greet him in, which you will only get to wear for no longer than the 30 minutes it takes to drive home.
11. Don’t be offended when he doesn’t notice the new blanket on the back of the couch, the new paint in the bedroom, the new shower curtain, dishes, table, desk, appliance. Or the new flowers, comforter, lamp… Basically, more than likely all he wants to look at are you, the tv, and the backs of his eyelids.
12. He might come home from deployment and not want to be "Daddy" right away. Or "Husband" He will be happy to be home, reveling in all that is "safe" and "normal". In the time he was gone you learned to do what you used to need him for. It might be hard giving those duties back to him. Don't be surprised if he doesn't want to take them back right away. Your best bet is to talk to him. Let him play with the kids, or not, for a few days. Remember, if he was gone one month or 15, you and the children may not be the exact people he remembered. Find wives on base who have been there.
13. Also, don’t be offended if your Troop asks for Macaroni and Cheese over the gourmet meal you have prepared. He’s been used to eating runny eggs, undercooked bacon, moldy charbroiled toast, and a meaty substance known as meatloaf that is .05% meat and 99.95% You Don’t Want to Know. Macaroni and cheese is simple, tastes good, and can get the job done. It’s also only 50 cents a box at the commissary and can get you through those months that you are missing $500 out of your check and only have $50 after bills to put gas in the car and get groceries.
14. Something to think about: When he is deployed, if it is possible, he will very likely relax by playing video games. They aren't real, and that means they can take him far, far away from real, and that's the most comforting thought he can get sometimes in a wartime situation. This may lead to an addiction. Our advice: try to help him keep it in moderation, but understand that this helps him. It's fun for him. It keeps him young. Take up a hobby, go out with friends, sit in the room and read while he plays. Try the game. You might like it.
And finally:
1. You are not first in your marriage. As long as he's active duty, you never will be. The military does not care if it is your anniversary. If there is a terrorist attack, pending deployment, or they just plumb feel like calling him in to work, he will go. The other option is jail time. You pick.
2. Your husband will not keep every promise he ever made. In fact, between the military and his given gender, you'll be lucky if he keeps two. As long as he keeps the basic, "Promise to love, cherish, and be faithful" you're in good standing. The rest will have to be hashed out, fought over, and bitched about to girlfriends. Please see for further instructions (and a forum!)
3. This is one a lot of people don't understand, future spouse. As the spouse you become the person who gets the news. Most of the time, he will call you, write you, e-mail you first. God forbid he dies, because you will be the one to find out. This leaves you in a very poor situation, as someone (often, but definitely not always, his mother) will be jealous that they are not receiving every call made out of the war zone, school, or basic training (boot camp). This can lead to verbal/physical/mental feuds between you and his family. If you are lucky, most of his family (ESPECIALLY any prior military members) will understand and leave you alone.
4. In regards to this, it will also be your fault, should you marry him, if he does not call home.
5. Over time, the number of deployments you and your husband have been through will greatly outnumber the number of anniversaries you two have actually spent together in the same town, let alone state or country.
6. You will remember the year your son was born, but you’ll fight over what base you were at, in what state or country.
7. Never assume your husband is going to get his ten day TDY [or time off of work for ANYTHING]. You may just get stuck doing all the legwork finding a place to live yourself because you’re number 213 on the base housing list and they are not concerned with helping you find a place off post. When he’s promised his days and they never come, you’re steady out on your own running up the miles on your car in a town you know nothing about. But, as they say, when you assume, you make an ass out of “u”, and me.
8. You will NOT see your family as often as you want to. You will most likely not be stationed near home. Your siblings will suddenly possess time machines and constantly step too far into the future for your liking. Invest in a good phone plan, and webcam. It helps.
9. The most heartbreaking thing I've had so far - you will have to choose between your job (or lack of money) and your grandma's funeral. Or weddings. Or baptisms. Or family reunions. We are sincerely sorry. We can almost guarantee this will bring you to your knees more than once. On the same note, it is not extremely uncommon to hear of women who delivered, raised, and/or lost babies while their DHs were deployed/TDY.
10. Expect that during his career in the military, more often than not, you will be both Mommy and Daddy at home. You will take care of your kids, giving them all of the love you can and emphasizing the honorable role their Daddy. You wait (sometimes not so patiently) for him to come home and embrace him, giving him back his Daddy "role". This is especially prevalent if you have very small children for they will "know" Daddy but as you look forward to homecoming day, your children will be looking at you to wipe your eyes, stand up and brush it off and continue on being the amazing wife and mother the military sometimes forgets to acknowledge.
I'll tell you something though. I don't think there's a woman who contributed who didn't have fun thinking about it. It does get hard. It does get oppressive. The lady down the street who has 183 cats, 7 foot tall grass, and a car engine hanging from the tree starts to make sense. Some days hard liquor and a bottle of Zoloft sounds like a good combination, but there is something about it, a magic about it, that once you start to complain, and someone says, " OH MY GOD do I HEAR you! Let me tell you about how Jimbo got shot and they told him to pick up the guy next to him and carry him to the hospital if he wanted to go so bad!"
All of a sudden, it looks funny. And honestly, if this is how you feel, like it's starting to become real, then this thread has actually found the purpose I intended it for. And honestly, I don't know. You MIGHT very well print it out, read over it once a day, fear it, lose it, find it again in 6 months and laugh your A$$ off at how many things now are not only real, but ancient history. Like I said, some of this stuff I wish someone would have told me. All of it, actually. Now you know what you're up against. Don't let him go. Buy armor.
My biggest advice: Surround yourself with positive influences.
It's too easy in the military to drink underage, party, etc. It's also very easy to doubt your husband when he is away. This is harder for National Guard wives, who don't have a post nearby to run to. Still, find stories of marriages that did last. Through many deployments. Find people whose husbands broke up with them because they thought it would be too hard, and got back together. Be nice to veterans. If all goes as planned, you might be one of those someday. A lot of vets are still married to their high school sweethearts. Get to know their stories, if you can. You'll be amazed.
"While life apart is miserable, life alone is death."
Dear Future Military Spouse:
Congratulations! You found a good man and are actively pursuing a wedding. We’re so happy for you.
We regret to inform you that, as a future military wife, you will have to undergo a severe hazing. Unfortunately, by the time you're well immersed, it may be too late to change your mind. The military is not a bowl of peaches and cherries. As Erma Bombeck famously asked once, "If life is a bowl of cherries, what am I doing in the pits?" You will come to understand this in time.
Here, compiled by the wives, fiancées, and girlfriends at: (Military Significant Other Support website and forum) is a list of things that will not please you, and strong advice on how to deal. It is separated into sections: Military Life (general), Money, Deployment (and all that follows), and Family. It is both funny and serious, trivial and deep, every day and extreme, but most of all, it is Honest.
Military Life (In General)
1. We begin with Boot camp. Boot camp really does change almost everyone. This is not always a bad thing. Sometimes they come away with pride, integrity, and more love and appreciation for you than either of you knew he was capable of feeling. Sometimes he comes home haughty, rude, or distant. Hurt, happy, or simply looking different, these are changes that you can adapt to, or move on. We strongly suggest attempting adaptation. Find a good group of friends.
2. Troops don’t work 9-5, Monday to Friday only.
3. One day they could be working days, the next, nights.
4. Don’t bother planning a vacation. Leave-chits can and probably will be denied, depending on what kind of mood their superiors are in that day.
5. If you DO get leave approved and plan a vacation, you can rest assured that at the worst possible time, you and your husband will be pulled aside and checked in airport security, because his dress uniform (WITH metal belt buckle and nameplate) will set off the alarms. Supposedly they’re not supposed to be allowed to check military members in uniform. Someone tell them that.
6. The bathroom will now be referred to as “The Head”. Your kitchen will now be “Mess hall, or Chow.”
7. You will be dumped into a totally new town where the neighbors will be crazy, no one will know how to drive, the radio stations will suck, and you’ll spend a good part of your first month trying to figure out the cheapest place to buy food and a stiff drink.
8. His friends will not only be your friends, but if you get married and move him out of the barracks/dorms, you can probably expect one or 6 of his friends to move in too.
9. Inspections
10. Moving
11. Cleaning
12. Maintaining the yard to government standards.
13. Civilians. That's pretty much a letter in itself. They do not understand your plight, fears, or added burdens. All they know is that you're swimming in cash, toss diamonds around your living room, have no neighbor troubles at all, and that you get paid by the kid in the military. It is extremely probable that none of these will ever be true, unless by "cash" you mean debt, by "diamonds" you mean tantrums because you're on your 6th move in 7 years, by "no neighbor troubles" they mean I have my head so far up my a**.....moving on...
Civilians p.2. "Civilians will never understand, but they love telling you that you knew what you were signing up for, and/or their blind, often ignorant views about your husband's job or the war that it entails."
14. “Civilians, take note. He DOES work when not on deployment. He doesn’t just sit around in my living room eating bon bons and watching soap operas. (Oh wait – or is that me because I’m a stay-at-home-mom?)
15. Stereotypes. People will assume he's cheating on you, he cusses, and he will have a tattoo. They might be right. There's a reason for the stereotypes. This is an issue that requires you TRUST him.
16. CLASSIFIED means SECRET, which means he is not ALLOWED to tell you. It's not a choice. This is another issue that requires your TRUST. It also means you need to KNOW the rules.
17. You will have to deal sometimes with higher ups who think their poop doesn't stink, and that your husband’s petty, trivial inconveniences (you know, his wife has severe depression and can't get a doctor's appointment) don't matter.
18. Also, wives who wear their husbands' rank (this is NOT always, or even often, in some cases, officers' wives. They are human too. Most of them are wonderful people. Some of them wear their husbands' ranks, but so do some enlisted wives).
19. Free medical care: Otherwise known as waiting to take care of it until you get to a base/post with a decent hospital/medical system that accepts Tricare, so you can go back and forth between the military clinic and/or Tricare over whether it’s covered or not, then go back for referrals, prescriptions, etc.
20. Just because a ship’s doc is called, “doc” doesn’t mean he’ll give the same attention and care as a doctor in the civilian world. Chances are, he won’t give much notice at all and will slap your hubby’s back and tell him to take some ibuprofen and let him know how it is in a week. Then, when your hubby goes back the week later, he’ll tell him it’s the same thing and give him more ibuprofen!
21. Another pseudo-perk: 24 hour maintenance doesn’t always mean 24 hours. Most of the time it’s, ‘Turn off the main valve for your water and we’ll have someone there between 8am and 4 pm tomorrow’, which could very well turn into next week.
22. Forget everything the recruiter told you. Their job is NOT to make happy marriages.
23. You will get screwed again and again…and again. It’s par for the course. Don’t worry, you’re not special. It’s like a code.
24. To that effect, do not be surprised if you get so stressed you begin to hear Mimes. In fact, you may just answer the questions going through THEIR heads.
Onward and upwards:
1. The BX (Aka: PX, NEX) will probably rob you, price wise. We suggest the commissary for food and batteries and basic needs. The BX does, however, price match (to downtown stores, not the commissary), and you don't pay tax. Woot.
2. Be prepared to have your pay messed up or delayed for no reason at all.
3. If the military gives you too much money, it will be ripped out of his account faster and harder than a Brazilian wax in bikini season. If they underpay him, that money will slowly trickle into his account...sometime over the next six months to three years. And if you don't catch it, don't expect to ever see it again.
4. Companies may hesitate to hire you, because they know you’ll move.
5. Likewise, the military doesn’t care if you’re halfway through college and no credits transfer. He will move when they tell him to.
6. When you do move, most likely you’ll be in Podunkville USA and air travel will be twice as expensive, or you’ll be in Touristville USA and air travel will be twice as expensive. God help you if you want to see your stateside family while he’s stationed overseas.
That wasn’t so hard. Onto:
1. To begin with: Your husband has signed up for a chance at death. I'm sorry. Some of us like to ignore this. Some like to be prepared. Some still haven't found a way to deal. See the aforementioned website and forum.
2. Six month deployments are rarely six months.
3. Acquaint yourself with your computer….fast. It may be your best friend.
4. If you hear a schedule more than a few days before it happens, most likely it will be: A.) Longer,
B.) Longer, or
C.) Longer than you anticipated.
5. If you don’t have kids, you will more than likely end up with a dog or cat.
6. Get a dog. They don’t talk back, and can’t drive for you, but they keep you warm at night, still make messes, require you to wake up at a decent hour in the morning and go to bed at a decent hour of the night. Plus you have to keep them fed and watered, so to sum it up, dogs keep you from going into the, “He’s gone; I don’t have a reason to live” fog.
7. Tylenol PM and a journal might become your best friends during deployment! Chances are a bottle of wine and a bubble bath will accompany them both. Don’t be surprised when you are doing normal things around the house and 15 minutes later you realize that you have not done them yet because you were stuck in a daydream about what it would be like if he were here right now.
8. You start missing little things like yelling at him for not taking the trash out, leaving his empty beer bottles in the living room for the dog to lick, or his socks on the stairs because he was so tired he just undressed walking up the stairs.
9. Dinner may just become pickles and dry cereal when he's not home, because you don't have to cook for anyone. Burger king (or the restaurants on post) will be one of the things you're happiest to see, but over time will become your greatest foe. You may even hiss a little when you pass them downtown, because you've spent so many lonely 8am's in the parking lot waiting for them to open, so you have someone to talk to.
10. When he comes home from a deployment, be prepared for both of you to look different. Your hair will most likely have a new style, length, and/or color, and you’ll pray that he likes it. He will have gained or lost weight, and have much shorter hair than your liking. He may come back with a new tattoo and/or scars. You may have either gained weight from nervous/bored eating, or lost weight because you had no appetite while he was gone. Despite all that, you’ll buy a fabulous new dress to greet him in, which you will only get to wear for no longer than the 30 minutes it takes to drive home.
11. Don’t be offended when he doesn’t notice the new blanket on the back of the couch, the new paint in the bedroom, the new shower curtain, dishes, table, desk, appliance. Or the new flowers, comforter, lamp… Basically, more than likely all he wants to look at are you, the tv, and the backs of his eyelids.
12. He might come home from deployment and not want to be "Daddy" right away. Or "Husband" He will be happy to be home, reveling in all that is "safe" and "normal". In the time he was gone you learned to do what you used to need him for. It might be hard giving those duties back to him. Don't be surprised if he doesn't want to take them back right away. Your best bet is to talk to him. Let him play with the kids, or not, for a few days. Remember, if he was gone one month or 15, you and the children may not be the exact people he remembered. Find wives on base who have been there.
13. Also, don’t be offended if your Troop asks for Macaroni and Cheese over the gourmet meal you have prepared. He’s been used to eating runny eggs, undercooked bacon, moldy charbroiled toast, and a meaty substance known as meatloaf that is .05% meat and 99.95% You Don’t Want to Know. Macaroni and cheese is simple, tastes good, and can get the job done. It’s also only 50 cents a box at the commissary and can get you through those months that you are missing $500 out of your check and only have $50 after bills to put gas in the car and get groceries.
14. Something to think about: When he is deployed, if it is possible, he will very likely relax by playing video games. They aren't real, and that means they can take him far, far away from real, and that's the most comforting thought he can get sometimes in a wartime situation. This may lead to an addiction. Our advice: try to help him keep it in moderation, but understand that this helps him. It's fun for him. It keeps him young. Take up a hobby, go out with friends, sit in the room and read while he plays. Try the game. You might like it.
And finally:
1. You are not first in your marriage. As long as he's active duty, you never will be. The military does not care if it is your anniversary. If there is a terrorist attack, pending deployment, or they just plumb feel like calling him in to work, he will go. The other option is jail time. You pick.
2. Your husband will not keep every promise he ever made. In fact, between the military and his given gender, you'll be lucky if he keeps two. As long as he keeps the basic, "Promise to love, cherish, and be faithful" you're in good standing. The rest will have to be hashed out, fought over, and bitched about to girlfriends. Please see for further instructions (and a forum!)
3. This is one a lot of people don't understand, future spouse. As the spouse you become the person who gets the news. Most of the time, he will call you, write you, e-mail you first. God forbid he dies, because you will be the one to find out. This leaves you in a very poor situation, as someone (often, but definitely not always, his mother) will be jealous that they are not receiving every call made out of the war zone, school, or basic training (boot camp). This can lead to verbal/physical/mental feuds between you and his family. If you are lucky, most of his family (ESPECIALLY any prior military members) will understand and leave you alone.
4. In regards to this, it will also be your fault, should you marry him, if he does not call home.
5. Over time, the number of deployments you and your husband have been through will greatly outnumber the number of anniversaries you two have actually spent together in the same town, let alone state or country.
6. You will remember the year your son was born, but you’ll fight over what base you were at, in what state or country.
7. Never assume your husband is going to get his ten day TDY [or time off of work for ANYTHING]. You may just get stuck doing all the legwork finding a place to live yourself because you’re number 213 on the base housing list and they are not concerned with helping you find a place off post. When he’s promised his days and they never come, you’re steady out on your own running up the miles on your car in a town you know nothing about. But, as they say, when you assume, you make an ass out of “u”, and me.
8. You will NOT see your family as often as you want to. You will most likely not be stationed near home. Your siblings will suddenly possess time machines and constantly step too far into the future for your liking. Invest in a good phone plan, and webcam. It helps.
9. The most heartbreaking thing I've had so far - you will have to choose between your job (or lack of money) and your grandma's funeral. Or weddings. Or baptisms. Or family reunions. We are sincerely sorry. We can almost guarantee this will bring you to your knees more than once. On the same note, it is not extremely uncommon to hear of women who delivered, raised, and/or lost babies while their DHs were deployed/TDY.
10. Expect that during his career in the military, more often than not, you will be both Mommy and Daddy at home. You will take care of your kids, giving them all of the love you can and emphasizing the honorable role their Daddy. You wait (sometimes not so patiently) for him to come home and embrace him, giving him back his Daddy "role". This is especially prevalent if you have very small children for they will "know" Daddy but as you look forward to homecoming day, your children will be looking at you to wipe your eyes, stand up and brush it off and continue on being the amazing wife and mother the military sometimes forgets to acknowledge.
I'll tell you something though. I don't think there's a woman who contributed who didn't have fun thinking about it. It does get hard. It does get oppressive. The lady down the street who has 183 cats, 7 foot tall grass, and a car engine hanging from the tree starts to make sense. Some days hard liquor and a bottle of Zoloft sounds like a good combination, but there is something about it, a magic about it, that once you start to complain, and someone says, " OH MY GOD do I HEAR you! Let me tell you about how Jimbo got shot and they told him to pick up the guy next to him and carry him to the hospital if he wanted to go so bad!"
All of a sudden, it looks funny. And honestly, if this is how you feel, like it's starting to become real, then this thread has actually found the purpose I intended it for. And honestly, I don't know. You MIGHT very well print it out, read over it once a day, fear it, lose it, find it again in 6 months and laugh your A$$ off at how many things now are not only real, but ancient history. Like I said, some of this stuff I wish someone would have told me. All of it, actually. Now you know what you're up against. Don't let him go. Buy armor.
My biggest advice: Surround yourself with positive influences.
It's too easy in the military to drink underage, party, etc. It's also very easy to doubt your husband when he is away. This is harder for National Guard wives, who don't have a post nearby to run to. Still, find stories of marriages that did last. Through many deployments. Find people whose husbands broke up with them because they thought it would be too hard, and got back together. Be nice to veterans. If all goes as planned, you might be one of those someday. A lot of vets are still married to their high school sweethearts. Get to know their stories, if you can. You'll be amazed.
"While life apart is miserable, life alone is death."
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Starting a new week
Tomorrow is Monday, oh what fun. I am hoping that this week just flies by, which I know it won't. Lil man has appointments this week and I have so much that I have to get done before Christmas arrives. I cannot believe Christmas is almost here , it seems like time is just flying by, which is good. I am hoping this whole deployment will just fly by be here and gone, but we still have forever.
The past couple of days I have been really good with my stress. I am looking at the brighter side of things now days instead of thinking it is the end of the world. Like I said before Everything Happens for a Reason!!!! In a VERY small way I am hoping we get stationed in Japan or somewhere just for the experience. It will be an experience of a lifetime. How many people can say they have traveled overseas? Not many. Plus, with Zander being young he would have a wonderful time in a place like Japan. Then, we get to the part of me where I am scared to death of moving!!!! Making new friends, getting use to a new place, it is just everything, but I guess it comes with the life of the Navy.
I am excited I get to go home for the holidays. I haven't seen my family in forever it seems like. It will be a year in February. I am going to spend time with my sister and my brother and their kids and my husbands family (which are so wonderful, I just love them to death)...I couldn't ask for better in-laws. I am hoping it won't snow on me on my way in.
But I am off to bed I have to wake up early in the morning.....I get use to sleeping in on the weekends and then Monday rolls back around.
The past couple of days I have been really good with my stress. I am looking at the brighter side of things now days instead of thinking it is the end of the world. Like I said before Everything Happens for a Reason!!!! In a VERY small way I am hoping we get stationed in Japan or somewhere just for the experience. It will be an experience of a lifetime. How many people can say they have traveled overseas? Not many. Plus, with Zander being young he would have a wonderful time in a place like Japan. Then, we get to the part of me where I am scared to death of moving!!!! Making new friends, getting use to a new place, it is just everything, but I guess it comes with the life of the Navy.
I am excited I get to go home for the holidays. I haven't seen my family in forever it seems like. It will be a year in February. I am going to spend time with my sister and my brother and their kids and my husbands family (which are so wonderful, I just love them to death)...I couldn't ask for better in-laws. I am hoping it won't snow on me on my way in.
But I am off to bed I have to wake up early in the morning.....I get use to sleeping in on the weekends and then Monday rolls back around.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Realizing the truth
I have been stressing over orders WAY to much, but think to some navy wives and family I have come to realize that I shouldn't be stressing over something I cannot help. I am going back to my motto "Everything happens for a reason". No matter where we go or even if we stay here we will make the best of it and we have each other because we are a family. I think it comes a point in life where I have to accept things as it is. I have also been a person that stresses about things and that is one of the mail reasons I had to have surgery when I was a teenager. Some things I just CANNOT help at all. I think with me realizing that it will help me out a lot. I also, need to work on my patience. I hate waiting on things that will happen sooner or later. I am going to go home for Christmas and I am going to spend all my time with family because they are the only ones that matter.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
I lost my Christmas Spirit
This week has went by very slow. It feels like forever ago since the hubby left, but it hasn't even been a week yet. I have stayed busy this week and now that it is the weekend I really don't wanna do anything, but I have to get up and get things done and come back and pick up around the house some and do laundry. I am going to hopefully stay busy till lil man and I go home for the Christmas. I think I have figured out what day we are going to go home. I hate having to decide a date because I always change it, but I think I know for sure now. I am trying to decide how to load the truck. I am trying to decide if we should just drive half way or just drive all the way through which would be good and would save at least 60 bucks if not more. I am excited about going home, but I am not excited for Christmas. I have lost all Christmas Spirit that I have had this year since the husband left (First Christmas we are not together). I was all into Christmas shopping and everything and now I am just blah. I am hoping I won't take it hard on Christmas because of the family around. Well, I need to get off of here and start getting done what I need to get done.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Beginning of the Big D
I am the type of person that will try not to cry in front of the husband when he leaves for deployment. I try to hold it in as possible because I have to be strong for him and also for Zander. Zander had school so he told daddy bye at home and after he got on the bus we went to the airport. We spent time on base together saying our goodbyes and I made it last as long as possible, but of course I had to let him go. I decided to go grocery shopping a couple of days early to keep my mind off of the hubby leaving and it worked. Zander cried when he got home which broke my heart and made me want to cry. Now it is night time and it is just lil man and I are the only ones here I just want to cry and cry, but I am doing great so far. I keep telling myself I get to talk to him tonight. Just this deployment feels different from all the other ones we have had.
On a good note it is almost December just a day away and Zander and I will be going home for the holidays. That is something for us to look forward to, even though Christmas will be different this year, but we have family and friends to help us through. I am also doing things to keep me busy. The first thing on the list is to organize pictures in the albums I bought. I have photos everywhere in this house and it is time to organize them. I also have to finish Christmas shopping and get some stocking stuffers for Zander.
I am going to go for now and get somethings done like school work and wait for my phone call.
On a good note it is almost December just a day away and Zander and I will be going home for the holidays. That is something for us to look forward to, even though Christmas will be different this year, but we have family and friends to help us through. I am also doing things to keep me busy. The first thing on the list is to organize pictures in the albums I bought. I have photos everywhere in this house and it is time to organize them. I also have to finish Christmas shopping and get some stocking stuffers for Zander.
I am going to go for now and get somethings done like school work and wait for my phone call.
Friday, October 1, 2010
YAY Friday...NOT
This morning was going way to good to be true. Woke up, got dressed, Zander got dressed, and I got all the bills paid before he left for school....YAY ME.....I get him to school and I remember I forgot to give him his meds and from there it all went down hill. I ended up leaving my keys in his classroom so I had to walk all the way back to get them, which sucked because if was raining some outside this morning and I had the lil girl with me that I watch. Finally got home to get his meds and I decided to switch vehicles, were I can fill the truck up with gas and I get in the truck and the middle thing between the sun visors the screw falls out and it is half way hanging down....Finally make it to school and give lil man his meds and off to the gas station we go. I get to Sam's Club and I look everywhere in my purse and I could not find my credit card...after searching I find it. After all this my day seemed to be going ok....till issues with Zanders school came up...which will be fixed soon. After, Zander got out of school I went on a hunt.....a hunt for what...a hunt for a Spongebob Halloween costume for Zander that he wanted badly. I finally got it after Part City called around to their other stores.....My day was 95% stressful and hectic...Hope you had a better one than me lol
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Rainy day #4 I think...
It has rained all week and it is getting old super fast. Right now it is raining really hard here and I am dreading going out in it. I babysit during the day and today just has to be the day were I have to pick up the boy I babysit and Zander. This means getting soaked....I think it is time for us to invest in a umbrella. Anyways, I am sick of this rain. Yeah, we needed it bad, but this is to much. I have seen pictures that friends have posted on facebook where it is flooding...thank god it isn't flooding on my street over here. Hopefully, the rain will stop and we can have a nice weekend here.
Talking about the weekend, tomorrow is payday.....YAY!!!! Zander has picked out his Halloween costume and he has decided of course to be Spongebob and I told him we could go buy it this weekend. Other than that I have no clue what me a lil man are getting into this weekend. I know I have another school paper to write, I know I am putting that off till the weekend. I hate the weekends when the hubby is gone because I miss him more on the weekends for some odd reason. I guess were he works during the week and I am busy during those days.
Today my niece turned 5. It is sad actually, lol because I know next month Zander will be 5. I talked to her this morning because she couldn't wait till after school and all she could tell me was Dana I am 5. She is so cute. It doesn't even seen like it has been 5 years since her and Zander was born. Man, how time flies. Before we know it they will be graduating high school.
Does any of your kids have separation issues when your spouse is away? I think lil man is in that stage right now. I have notice when Brandon is gone he does act out a little more than usual, but he has been doing it at school also. Today he cried when I had to leave him at school. It took me forever to get him in the car for me to take him. He threw this huge fit over going. It broke my heart because he did cry. Also, when Brandon is away he will not sleep in his bed at all. We have no problem him sleeping there when Brandon is home, he doesn't even wake up in middle of the night anymore and crawl in bed with us. How do you ladies handle children's separation issues when your spouse is away?
Sorry for jumping around, but I had a couple of things on my mind. Enjoy.....till next time.
Talking about the weekend, tomorrow is payday.....YAY!!!! Zander has picked out his Halloween costume and he has decided of course to be Spongebob and I told him we could go buy it this weekend. Other than that I have no clue what me a lil man are getting into this weekend. I know I have another school paper to write, I know I am putting that off till the weekend. I hate the weekends when the hubby is gone because I miss him more on the weekends for some odd reason. I guess were he works during the week and I am busy during those days.
Today my niece turned 5. It is sad actually, lol because I know next month Zander will be 5. I talked to her this morning because she couldn't wait till after school and all she could tell me was Dana I am 5. She is so cute. It doesn't even seen like it has been 5 years since her and Zander was born. Man, how time flies. Before we know it they will be graduating high school.
Does any of your kids have separation issues when your spouse is away? I think lil man is in that stage right now. I have notice when Brandon is gone he does act out a little more than usual, but he has been doing it at school also. Today he cried when I had to leave him at school. It took me forever to get him in the car for me to take him. He threw this huge fit over going. It broke my heart because he did cry. Also, when Brandon is away he will not sleep in his bed at all. We have no problem him sleeping there when Brandon is home, he doesn't even wake up in middle of the night anymore and crawl in bed with us. How do you ladies handle children's separation issues when your spouse is away?
Sorry for jumping around, but I had a couple of things on my mind. Enjoy.....till next time.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Embarrassing Moment of the Day
I have to share this with everyone because it was truly embarrassing.
Today I decided that I would wait on Zander to get out of school to go to the post officer to mail a package...HUGE MISTAKE. When I picked him up, I brought his after school snack with me were I could avoid him being a brat, lol. We got to the post office and he ask to carry the package and of course I let him. We get in the post office and it is packed. Well....while standing in line he proceeds to scream out that he has to fart because it is a small post officer everyone turns and looks at us. Then he proceeds to fart and a couple of people laugh, which is the wrong thing to do. So, Zander decided to put on a farting show for the people in the post office and he thought it was funny. IT WAS SO EMBARRASSING, I SWEAR. I know boys will be boys, but I was glad to leave the post office. I told my sister that my nieces better love their birthday package because Zander embarrassed the holy crap outta me.
Today I decided that I would wait on Zander to get out of school to go to the post officer to mail a package...HUGE MISTAKE. When I picked him up, I brought his after school snack with me were I could avoid him being a brat, lol. We got to the post office and he ask to carry the package and of course I let him. We get in the post office and it is packed. Well....while standing in line he proceeds to scream out that he has to fart because it is a small post officer everyone turns and looks at us. Then he proceeds to fart and a couple of people laugh, which is the wrong thing to do. So, Zander decided to put on a farting show for the people in the post office and he thought it was funny. IT WAS SO EMBARRASSING, I SWEAR. I know boys will be boys, but I was glad to leave the post office. I told my sister that my nieces better love their birthday package because Zander embarrassed the holy crap outta me.
Monday, September 27, 2010
I haven't blogged in forever it seems
I haven't blogged in a couple of weeks and the hubby brought it to my attention last night. Once again he is away for a month, which sucks because he does deploy soon. For once I don't feel like there is a million things going on at once. Zander is in preschool now, but I still babysit, which is good. I am planning the next day that I do not have to babysit and Zander is in school is just going out and going to see a movie and relax. Life has been great though. We have been spending a lot of time as a family and hopefully when the hubby comes home we can have a date night. We can pick orders next month and we are hoping to move from here. We have lived in Virginia Beach for 5 years, while 6 years for the hubby. It is time to make our first move hopefully. I am nervous about moving, I hate moving, but that is the navy life that we live.
Today is it raining, so it is gloomy outside, which makes it gloomy in the house. I think I have done nothing all day, but school work and watch television. I need to get somethings done, but you know how it is when the weather is gloomy you just want to have a lazy day. Which talking about a lazy day. I was flipping thru TV shows that are on demand for free and I decided to watch the new TLC show Sister Wives. It wasn't entertaining. Who wants there husband to be married to 3 women and about to marry a 4th. The way their house was designed was odd. It was a regular house, but it was broken up into 3 apartments for each wife. I do not understand how people can live that type of lifestyle at all. I am excited though that fall is here because of all the new television series...I know I sound like a dork, but everyone has their favorite television shows that they wanna watch. I think that is the only good thing about Monday is because thru the week new shows come on, lol other than that I hate Mondays.
I think sometime this week I am going to start on a new layout for my blog. The one I have now isn't pleasing me anymore. If anyone has any suggestions let me know.
Today is it raining, so it is gloomy outside, which makes it gloomy in the house. I think I have done nothing all day, but school work and watch television. I need to get somethings done, but you know how it is when the weather is gloomy you just want to have a lazy day. Which talking about a lazy day. I was flipping thru TV shows that are on demand for free and I decided to watch the new TLC show Sister Wives. It wasn't entertaining. Who wants there husband to be married to 3 women and about to marry a 4th. The way their house was designed was odd. It was a regular house, but it was broken up into 3 apartments for each wife. I do not understand how people can live that type of lifestyle at all. I am excited though that fall is here because of all the new television series...I know I sound like a dork, but everyone has their favorite television shows that they wanna watch. I think that is the only good thing about Monday is because thru the week new shows come on, lol other than that I hate Mondays.
I think sometime this week I am going to start on a new layout for my blog. The one I have now isn't pleasing me anymore. If anyone has any suggestions let me know.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Beginning of September
September started out okay I guess. The first couple of days are always hard for me because my sisters birthday is September 2 and just think how old she would of been. That day I held it together and didn't cry, tried no to think about it, but near the end of the day I was in tears. I had my sister on the phone talking about the memories we had with our oldest sister. It doesn't seem like it has been almost 13 years since we lost her, I miss her more everyday. I have realized the pain never goes away it just gets easier to deal with in time.
On a good note the hubby is back and we went on a mini vacation this past weekend. Nothing fancy and nothing to far from home. We spent the weekend in Williamsburg, Virginia and my feet are still killing me. I think we hit every outlet store we found, lol. I love shopping what can I say. We got some great deals and we got some of our Christmas shopping done already because he won't be here for Christmas, the first Christmas without him. But anyways we had a blast as a family, lil man had fun and he didn't want to leave the hotel. I loved the Yankee Candle store up there, I got to play in snow...yes snow, it snows every 4 minutes in this store and it was cold. So if you need a place to cool down in the summer, Williamsburg Yankee candle store is the place to go.
Today lil man started preschool, I know it is only preschool, but this is his first year going to preschool ALL day. I am sitting here bored to death with nothing to do. Currently I am babysitting for a friend, but in less than a hour she will be gone and I have to grocery shop. I have been waiting on this day to come, but now I feel empty inside, I am lost without my child or something. Hopefully I am not the only one that feels this way. But, for now I have to go and go find things to do around here before I slowly go insane without lil man, lol
On a good note the hubby is back and we went on a mini vacation this past weekend. Nothing fancy and nothing to far from home. We spent the weekend in Williamsburg, Virginia and my feet are still killing me. I think we hit every outlet store we found, lol. I love shopping what can I say. We got some great deals and we got some of our Christmas shopping done already because he won't be here for Christmas, the first Christmas without him. But anyways we had a blast as a family, lil man had fun and he didn't want to leave the hotel. I loved the Yankee Candle store up there, I got to play in snow...yes snow, it snows every 4 minutes in this store and it was cold. So if you need a place to cool down in the summer, Williamsburg Yankee candle store is the place to go.
Today lil man started preschool, I know it is only preschool, but this is his first year going to preschool ALL day. I am sitting here bored to death with nothing to do. Currently I am babysitting for a friend, but in less than a hour she will be gone and I have to grocery shop. I have been waiting on this day to come, but now I feel empty inside, I am lost without my child or something. Hopefully I am not the only one that feels this way. But, for now I have to go and go find things to do around here before I slowly go insane without lil man, lol
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Doing ok for once
I have been stressing out a lot lately and I was maxed out. The other night I just let it all out, I cried, I screamed, went off on people and some people I didn't mean to, but I feel a lot better now. I have come to realize that I cannot control what happens so I am going to let what ever happens happen. I think the only thing I am worried about this week is Hurricane Earl. We are suppose to be getting a little of it, but they aren't even sure what path it could take. It could touch land, come onto land, or not even touch us at all. I am worried because the hubby is still gone so I have to go out and get supplies tonight. I hate huge storms when I am alone. I was thinking about going somewhere and getting an hotel, but I have to babysit....I know I know I shouldn't be worrying about babysitting during the storm, but it is life it is what I do right now as a job. Other than the freaking hurricane everything seems to be going my way for once :)
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Slowly losing it, if I have ever had it
Brandon has been gone for almost a month now and it is really catching up on me. I am losing my mind. At this point I am so stressed I just want to set down and cry and be left alone. Everything has been going wrong and it seems like when daddy is away, you cannot even notice lil man has taking his meds for ADHD. I have been trying to clean all day I swear and the house doesn't even look like it has even been touched. I think at some point I need me time. Hopefully when he comes home that I can have some alone time by myself and just let it all out.
It seems like this week is going to be a long week. I hate it the first day of the week I am already stressed to the max. Lil man has another home visit Tuesday and his teachers are coming to introduce themselves and pick up the school supplies. I still have to double check to make sure I have everything that they ask for. I know I still have to get a changing of clothes for him and a jacket out for him to keep at school.
Talking about clothes I need to do laundry bad. I have been putting it off because there is so much that needs to be done around here and that is the last thing that I actually think about is to do the laundry. So, my goal is tonight before I go to bed at least have 3 loads done. I still have to shower and get my homework done for the night before I go to bed. Right now I am trying to get lil man to sleep because he hasn't taken a nap all day and it is one of those days were he is pushing ALL of my buttons.
It seems like this week is going to be a long week. I hate it the first day of the week I am already stressed to the max. Lil man has another home visit Tuesday and his teachers are coming to introduce themselves and pick up the school supplies. I still have to double check to make sure I have everything that they ask for. I know I still have to get a changing of clothes for him and a jacket out for him to keep at school.
Talking about clothes I need to do laundry bad. I have been putting it off because there is so much that needs to be done around here and that is the last thing that I actually think about is to do the laundry. So, my goal is tonight before I go to bed at least have 3 loads done. I still have to shower and get my homework done for the night before I go to bed. Right now I am trying to get lil man to sleep because he hasn't taken a nap all day and it is one of those days were he is pushing ALL of my buttons.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Stress...stress...go away come back...NEVER
The hubby has been gone almost all month and I swear everything has just went wrong. I thought I had the whole beetle thing worked antique tags switched them and it should of been over with. The woman was suppose to come and look at the car last week to approve it, well she never made it out to the house I guess. I called today and now she is saying that the motor has to be put back in it or it will be towed and our last day to put the motor in is tomorrow. WTF is she kidding I cannot put a motor back in the car, not my thing to do. I will be charge with a misdemeanor if I don't do this. Hopefully, she said she may give me a little bit more time, hopefully she will lets pray that she will. I think the next time the hubby will listen to me about not to take the car apart work on one thing at a time, see women are always right.
Not only did I have to deal with Virginia Beach today I had to deal with Virginia Beach school system telling me my son couldn't go to Early discoveries because he has an IEP. Early Discoveries is ran by the Y not the school system so they know nothing at all, stupid people. His teacher called and they are suppose to call me back tomorrow to let me know what is going on, which he can go and hopefully because of this little miss up he still can go.
Home stressing me out to the max. I haven't been in the mode to clean, in which I need to but I am just had it. Lil Man is always screaming, friends suggested I scream with him, but it starts a screaming contest with him and he thinks it is funny. He has also started throwing things when he gets mad and even slams the door and kicks it over and over. I think I need ME time. I was looking foward to a weekend getaway, but I guess with the beetle motor needing to be put back in I have to put that off and buy a rebuild kit or shove it in a storage unit....or just give the damn thing away I am already pissed at it.
But, anyways I am going to go and write my school paper because I am in the mood to right it and because I am pissed at the law this would be a good time to write about what would cause me to break the law.
Not only did I have to deal with Virginia Beach today I had to deal with Virginia Beach school system telling me my son couldn't go to Early discoveries because he has an IEP. Early Discoveries is ran by the Y not the school system so they know nothing at all, stupid people. His teacher called and they are suppose to call me back tomorrow to let me know what is going on, which he can go and hopefully because of this little miss up he still can go.
Home stressing me out to the max. I haven't been in the mode to clean, in which I need to but I am just had it. Lil Man is always screaming, friends suggested I scream with him, but it starts a screaming contest with him and he thinks it is funny. He has also started throwing things when he gets mad and even slams the door and kicks it over and over. I think I need ME time. I was looking foward to a weekend getaway, but I guess with the beetle motor needing to be put back in I have to put that off and buy a rebuild kit or shove it in a storage unit....or just give the damn thing away I am already pissed at it.
But, anyways I am going to go and write my school paper because I am in the mood to right it and because I am pissed at the law this would be a good time to write about what would cause me to break the law.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
A new week and a new outlook
Ok this will make the. I had this post almost finished and something happen and it just deleted itself and I couldn't get it back, but oh well here I go again......
You gals and guys already know that I had a really bad week last week. It seemed like everything went wrong. This week I am hoping it is much better than last week. It seems like I have lots to do this week. I have put off mowing the yard and I have to get it done tomorrow. Also I have to wait for tags to come in for our beetle to put them on there before the state of Virginia tows it because its stupid.
Yesterday a friend and I decided to take her lil one and mine to the petting farm and we all had a blast. Zander loved feeding the animals. At one point he let his country blood show though. He decided that he wanted to chase the chickens that were running around. It was funny till the chicken decided to chase me. I will admit I was freaked because I didn't want to get pecked. After we decided to walk away from the chicken coop the damn chicken decided to follow us, it ran to keep up with us. Finally, after the chicken decided to go play alone the kids got to ride the pony. Zander rode it by himself, of course the woman was leading it but he didn't need me and also he got done by himself. It seems like he is growing up so fast....Anyways, on to the funniest part. My friend's lil girl, which is still a baby was wearing a cute cowgirl hat. Well, the goats thought it was food and they tried to take it off of her head and eat it, lol. Animals they are funny at times.
I feel so stupid right now. The hubby works nights and he should be emailing me so while I am typing this I keep refreshing the email page to see if he has wrote me, lol. I hate waiting all day just to get a couple of emails from him, lol.
You gals and guys already know that I had a really bad week last week. It seemed like everything went wrong. This week I am hoping it is much better than last week. It seems like I have lots to do this week. I have put off mowing the yard and I have to get it done tomorrow. Also I have to wait for tags to come in for our beetle to put them on there before the state of Virginia tows it because its stupid.
Yesterday a friend and I decided to take her lil one and mine to the petting farm and we all had a blast. Zander loved feeding the animals. At one point he let his country blood show though. He decided that he wanted to chase the chickens that were running around. It was funny till the chicken decided to chase me. I will admit I was freaked because I didn't want to get pecked. After we decided to walk away from the chicken coop the damn chicken decided to follow us, it ran to keep up with us. Finally, after the chicken decided to go play alone the kids got to ride the pony. Zander rode it by himself, of course the woman was leading it but he didn't need me and also he got done by himself. It seems like he is growing up so fast....Anyways, on to the funniest part. My friend's lil girl, which is still a baby was wearing a cute cowgirl hat. Well, the goats thought it was food and they tried to take it off of her head and eat it, lol. Animals they are funny at times.
I feel so stupid right now. The hubby works nights and he should be emailing me so while I am typing this I keep refreshing the email page to see if he has wrote me, lol. I hate waiting all day just to get a couple of emails from him, lol.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Day 4 without him...I am going to SCREAM!!!!
It seems like when the hubby is gone EVERYTHING goes wrong. Last night my toilet decided to freaking break and flood my bathroom, hallway, and some of the living room. I had to go get the neighbor to help me shut it off. He was nice enough to bring over his vac to clean up the water and to fix it. I guess a valve broke. I just wanted to scream, cry, and I one point I was laughing after it was all over. Lil man kept on saying I peed, flush and it broke, lol. I am waiting on something else to happen because everything always breaks all at once.
This morning I had a meeting for Zanders school and I woke up late. I guess I turned my alarm off or something. It started at nine and my plan was to drop Zander off at the sitters a lil before 8:30, lol. I was rushed around this morning and I am so freaking sleepy right now. I did get to take a nap when lil man laid down, but I am still a little tired.
With tomorrow being pay day for us, I am dreading tomorrow. I hate having to make sure all the bills are paid sometimes. I feel like I am always forgetting to pay a bill or something. Then after I am done babysitting tomorrow I am to tackle the commissary, which I know will be always is.
This morning I had a meeting for Zanders school and I woke up late. I guess I turned my alarm off or something. It started at nine and my plan was to drop Zander off at the sitters a lil before 8:30, lol. I was rushed around this morning and I am so freaking sleepy right now. I did get to take a nap when lil man laid down, but I am still a little tired.
With tomorrow being pay day for us, I am dreading tomorrow. I hate having to make sure all the bills are paid sometimes. I feel like I am always forgetting to pay a bill or something. Then after I am done babysitting tomorrow I am to tackle the commissary, which I know will be always is.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Day 3 without him
I swear kids know when their daddy is away...while at least mine does. This morning started out great. I felt much better than yesterday and I had so much planned for me a lil man. After breakfast he goes into his I am not listening to you, screaming, being a baby stage. He has been doing so great with his attitude and helping me around the house, but today was a different story. I keep telling myself to be patient tomorrow will be different because every person has a bad day every once in a while because we are human no matter what your age is. I have found myself today working on my patience, which if you know me patience with me, does not exist.
On a good note I got an email for the hubby. I keep forgetting to check my email because he usually just send it right to my phone, but this time he didn't. I was up for at least 2 hours before I realized hey I haven't checked my email today. I have gotten use to not having to check my email, now for the next month I have to get back into the habit of checking it.
I am dreading tomorrow. I don't babysit and usually on these days I am excited because I get to sleep in, but tomorrow I have to be up early to go to a parent meeting for Zander's preschool. I don't see why we have to go to a meeting that is 3 hours long. What is it about preschool that it takes 3 hours to give you everything you need to know about the preschool. Had an interview when I signed him up, had one last month and got information and I know there is another home visit a week before school starts.
Summer is almost over. I cannot believe summer went by so fast. I know we are still in August, but schools are already started back. It just seems like summer just got started. Is it just me or has this year just flown by. It seems like just yesterday we moved into this house and the beginning of next year it will be a year.
On a good note I got an email for the hubby. I keep forgetting to check my email because he usually just send it right to my phone, but this time he didn't. I was up for at least 2 hours before I realized hey I haven't checked my email today. I have gotten use to not having to check my email, now for the next month I have to get back into the habit of checking it.
I am dreading tomorrow. I don't babysit and usually on these days I am excited because I get to sleep in, but tomorrow I have to be up early to go to a parent meeting for Zander's preschool. I don't see why we have to go to a meeting that is 3 hours long. What is it about preschool that it takes 3 hours to give you everything you need to know about the preschool. Had an interview when I signed him up, had one last month and got information and I know there is another home visit a week before school starts.
Summer is almost over. I cannot believe summer went by so fast. I know we are still in August, but schools are already started back. It just seems like summer just got started. Is it just me or has this year just flown by. It seems like just yesterday we moved into this house and the beginning of next year it will be a year.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Alone once again
Day 1
Brandon left first thing Monday morning for the ship. I have to have him on base early so I have to wake up as you can tell already a bad day, hubby is leaving and I am sleep deprived. I think the first day went ok with him being gone. I had to babysit yesterday so that took up most of my time. Also, I finished my friends baby shower invite and went over her house to print them. We decided to go to the farmers market were we found the best peanut butter balls (mouth is watering). After I got home I felt bad, I had a headache and I felt sick at my stomach. I didn't sleep at all because of this. The sleep I did get was great, lol
Day 2
I woke up this morning (Tuesday) and I felt great, minus I didn't sleep while. Went right a long with my day till after lunch. I got sick and it looked like blood that I threw up (I know, I know gross). Because I was babysitting I decided not to go see a doc. I felt bad almost all day. After this long day I can officially say I feel much better after a warm bath and some meds. I text my sister and told her and she got my 4 year old niece to call to tell me to go see the doc, it was cute, but of course I didn't listen.
I am so hoping that this next month flies by in no time. I miss the hubby already.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Last weekend as family....
This is our last weekend as a family of the summer. I am really bummed. Brandon leaves for a workup next week. It is unbelievable how time flies by just like that. It seems like deployment is slowly sneaking up on us. It seems like yesterday he just got home from a deployment and he leaves soon again. Sometimes I hate the Navy, when they have all of these deployments. We get to pick orders soon, hopefully it isn't back to back sea duty that would suck big time. Even though he is going to be gone I still have my Navy family and family back home. I am hoping the deployment gets pushed back a couple of months were he doesn't have to miss the holidays. We have be so lucky so fat he has been in for all the major holidays since he has been in. There are a lot of my friends that their husbands are deploying also, so we have to keep each other busy.
This weekend I am trying to plan things, but at the same time there is so much to do around the house. I want to spend as much time as possible with the hubby before he leaves. I was thinking about going to the water park here in Virginia Beach, instead of driving all the way to Williamsburg to go to the big one or I was also thinking just stay at home on the couch and cuddle. We have dinner plans with some friends this weekend that we haven't got to hang out with in a while, so I am happy about that.
But, right now I am going to go Brandon should be getting back from the junkyard and me and the lil man has to get dressed.
This weekend I am trying to plan things, but at the same time there is so much to do around the house. I want to spend as much time as possible with the hubby before he leaves. I was thinking about going to the water park here in Virginia Beach, instead of driving all the way to Williamsburg to go to the big one or I was also thinking just stay at home on the couch and cuddle. We have dinner plans with some friends this weekend that we haven't got to hang out with in a while, so I am happy about that.
But, right now I am going to go Brandon should be getting back from the junkyard and me and the lil man has to get dressed.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Blog Hop '10
I have to decided to join Blog Hop '10. It is hosted by Pensieve. I am excited to meet different bloggers and read about everything that is happening all over the world. I think if you have a chance that you should join Blog Hop '10 also.
I have never done this before I go
About Me
Hey everyone I am Dana. I am 24 years old, I am a stay at home mommy, and I am a Proud Navy Wife. My Sailor and I have been married for 5 1/2 years and we have a son together that is almost 5 years old. I am from Tennessee, born and raised in the country. The town I am from is neither small or I guess it is in between, lol. We currently live in Virginia, close to the beach and I love it. It is different from back home. I come from a huge family I am the 4th child out of 6 and I am many nieces and only 2 nephews, so you can just imagine how it is like when I do go home for a visit.
About my blog
I started writing a blog because with my husband in the Navy, it seems like he is always gone and this gives him a chance to read what is going on in my life when he isn't around for us to talk. My blog is called Married to the Navy because even though I am married to a Sailor the Navy runs our lives...what city we live in, what days we have together as a family, when we can go on vacation....etc.
My family= Bad Luck
Last night I got a call from my mom saying that my brother was arrested. When I asked which one it was one of my baby brothers. I guess my sister's ex husband took a warrant out on him because he messed with his gas tank. The problem with his is though, when this was suppose to happen he was in can someone do something when they are miles and miles away from TN. This is an easy fix though because he has proof where he was and for how long he was there.
Now this is were it gets bad...My other brother called me today. His bank called and they are filling fraud charges on him. They said that he made a deposit and when they got the envelope there was no money in it. He that he had to use his ATM card to deposit it. Now this is where it gets strange at. The writing on the deposit slip was not my brothers and the time the deposit was made he was at work. He just got full custody of his babies and they just froze all of his money for something he did not do. He went to the bank and the bank sees that it isn't his writing on the slip, the writing looks like a child's hand writing or someone trying to cover up their hand writing. It is very messy handwriting. I was thinking his ex wife or soon to be ex wife done this to get him into trouble and try to get the kids back, but she has no access to his account. My other theory I won't post on here because it has to do with family and I don't want anyone screaming at me, but I told him what I though who it was. He is going to talk to my sister to see if she recognizes the handwriting on the piece of paper. It seems like no matter how hard he works he gets screwed one way or another, it is a bunch of bullsh*t.
Now this is were it gets bad...My other brother called me today. His bank called and they are filling fraud charges on him. They said that he made a deposit and when they got the envelope there was no money in it. He that he had to use his ATM card to deposit it. Now this is where it gets strange at. The writing on the deposit slip was not my brothers and the time the deposit was made he was at work. He just got full custody of his babies and they just froze all of his money for something he did not do. He went to the bank and the bank sees that it isn't his writing on the slip, the writing looks like a child's hand writing or someone trying to cover up their hand writing. It is very messy handwriting. I was thinking his ex wife or soon to be ex wife done this to get him into trouble and try to get the kids back, but she has no access to his account. My other theory I won't post on here because it has to do with family and I don't want anyone screaming at me, but I told him what I though who it was. He is going to talk to my sister to see if she recognizes the handwriting on the piece of paper. It seems like no matter how hard he works he gets screwed one way or another, it is a bunch of bullsh*t.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Starting my week, Monday SUCKS
Tomorrow is Monday...oh great, I hate Monday and I am pretty sure everyone hates Monday's also. I am happy thought I don't have to babysit till Wednesday so I have a couple of extra days to sleep in and get things done. I have a list of things I have to get done tomorrow so far my list consist of:
Anyways, I am going to enjoy this week with the hubby because he is leaving soon for a couple of weeks. I hate him being gone, but we all hate our hubbies leaving, but its their job to serve their country. After so many years I am use to it. The one thing I hate about the hubby being gone is I get scared sometimes of the tiniest sounds at night, lol...I know , I know I am a big girl and I shouldn't but I do. Do you gals do the same thing?
But anyways, I am taking my butt to bed I am so sleepy, lol....nothing new there.
- Call Portsmouth and going to try to reschedule my surgery for when hubby is home
- Have to run to the grocery store, lil man has already ate all of his banana's
- Get my school work ready for this week
- make a doc appointment, I hate medical
Anyways, I am going to enjoy this week with the hubby because he is leaving soon for a couple of weeks. I hate him being gone, but we all hate our hubbies leaving, but its their job to serve their country. After so many years I am use to it. The one thing I hate about the hubby being gone is I get scared sometimes of the tiniest sounds at night, lol...I know , I know I am a big girl and I shouldn't but I do. Do you gals do the same thing?
But anyways, I am taking my butt to bed I am so sleepy, lol....nothing new there.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Military Wife Survey
1.How long have you been a Military Wife?3 5 1/2 years
2. How many deployments have you gone through? lol, long ones about to be my 4th, but this isn't counting the workups and dets girls know how it is
3. What do you like about being a Military Wife? I love being a wife to Brandon and supporting him.....being a military wife isn't all the exciting because you have to go without your hubby for so long its sucks
4. Do you live on base?Nope
5. What is your favorite base so far? We have only been station at Oceana
6.What's the hardest part of the military life?You can't really plan anything because everything changes at the blink of an eye and going without the hubby for months and months
7.Do you go to the grocery store or commissary?depends on the deals I shopped at the commissary this pay period
8. Do you prefer Dress Blues or Dress Whites?whites
9.Do you have a lot of Military Wife friends?yes I do and I love all of them very much
10. Do you prefer wal-mart or the BX/PX/NEX? Depends what I have to buy, we shop at the NEX and we also shop at Walmart and many other stores also
11. So how did your Husband propose? lol no proposal, we talked about getting married and then I ended up pregnant so we got married the the Justice of peace
12.Did you marry him after he joined or before?after but was dating when he joined
13.How long have you two been together?a lil over 6 years
14. Any kids yet? yes 1 boy
15. Any kids yet to come? want one more but if not oh well I have my lil man
16. Is your husband one of those (I am army hear me "HOOAH"/ I am Marine Corps hear me "OOHRAH") kind of guys?nope not at all
17.Have you ever done combatives with your husband?nope
18. How many bases have you lived at? we have only been stationed at Oceana
19. If you could change one thing about the military what would it be?If they could give me six months planned out at a time, and not change it, I'd be happy
20.Do you like military balls?We haven't been to one yet
21.Where does your family live? Good ol' Tennessee
22.Do you have a job? nope I am a stay at home mommy and I babysit but I am trying to find me a job
23. Have you ever gotten in a fight with a CPO's wife?no
24. Name one thing you do when your husband is gone?Sleep with my phone and the computer is never on silent for me to hear when I get an email
25.Do you think other wives do that too?yeah of course
2. How many deployments have you gone through? lol, long ones about to be my 4th, but this isn't counting the workups and dets girls know how it is
3. What do you like about being a Military Wife? I love being a wife to Brandon and supporting him.....being a military wife isn't all the exciting because you have to go without your hubby for so long its sucks
4. Do you live on base?Nope
5. What is your favorite base so far? We have only been station at Oceana
6.What's the hardest part of the military life?You can't really plan anything because everything changes at the blink of an eye and going without the hubby for months and months
7.Do you go to the grocery store or commissary?depends on the deals I shopped at the commissary this pay period
8. Do you prefer Dress Blues or Dress Whites?whites
9.Do you have a lot of Military Wife friends?yes I do and I love all of them very much
10. Do you prefer wal-mart or the BX/PX/NEX? Depends what I have to buy, we shop at the NEX and we also shop at Walmart and many other stores also
11. So how did your Husband propose? lol no proposal, we talked about getting married and then I ended up pregnant so we got married the the Justice of peace
12.Did you marry him after he joined or before?after but was dating when he joined
13.How long have you two been together?a lil over 6 years
14. Any kids yet? yes 1 boy
15. Any kids yet to come? want one more but if not oh well I have my lil man
16. Is your husband one of those (I am army hear me "HOOAH"/ I am Marine Corps hear me "OOHRAH") kind of guys?nope not at all
17.Have you ever done combatives with your husband?nope
18. How many bases have you lived at? we have only been stationed at Oceana
19. If you could change one thing about the military what would it be?If they could give me six months planned out at a time, and not change it, I'd be happy
20.Do you like military balls?We haven't been to one yet
21.Where does your family live? Good ol' Tennessee
22.Do you have a job? nope I am a stay at home mommy and I babysit but I am trying to find me a job
23. Have you ever gotten in a fight with a CPO's wife?no
24. Name one thing you do when your husband is gone?Sleep with my phone and the computer is never on silent for me to hear when I get an email
25.Do you think other wives do that too?yeah of course
Friday, July 30, 2010
Payday...great, but sucks
If you are in the military or a military spouse you will know what I am talking about. The 1st and the 15th are our paydays. I love payday, don't get me wrong, but everything that comes with it sucks. Today I had to babysit, so after that which was after 2:00 pm I had to get everything I needed to get done before the weekend. I had to go pay rent, go to the bank, go to the commissary, in which was PACKED. I also had to pay all the bills this morning. Stuff like this can get me exhausted in no time. This weekend we also have to go school shopping for Zander....because Brandon is leaving again very soon and he just came home last weekend. So much to do around payday I swear. Do you gals feel the same or is it just me?
Sleep...what's that
My little mini vacation from babysitting ended yesterday, but today is Friday. I got so use to going to bed late...waking up without an alarm, it felt so great. Even though I am in my mind 20's, I love to sleep in and yes people my child does also. Yesterday my alarm went off and I actually feel back to sleep, I just ignored it and the hubby kept poking me for me to get up. Well, this morning I got up earlier than I usually do. What happen was I woke up and the hubby wasn't in bed, he gets home around 4 in the morning and it was a little after 6. Well, he was in the living room, it was so quite in the house that I got up and went looking for him and was going to call to see if it was still at work, but he was eating pizza rolls at 6:00 am in the morning....guys. Anyways, so he comes to bed and I was trying to go back to sleep and he just kept talking what time do you have to get up.....wake me up at this time....just on and on. I love him, but all I wanted was just to go back to sleep. I ended up getting up because he wouldn't stop moving so now I am super sleepy. It is funny actually....lil man got up looking for me wanting to go back to sleep, so where did I stick bed with the hubby. Tomorrow hopefully I will get to sleep in.
Talking about sleep I am kinda dreading when Zander starts to school, because that means waking up early 5 days a week. I have done it before it is just that I have to get use to it. I have to learn to go to bed a little bit earlier than what I usually do. Need to only get on the computer to do my homework and to check my msgs and then get my butt off.
Anyways, I am off of here the kids I babysit should be arriving in a couple of minutes. I hope everyone got a goodnight sleep and got to sleep in.
Talking about sleep I am kinda dreading when Zander starts to school, because that means waking up early 5 days a week. I have done it before it is just that I have to get use to it. I have to learn to go to bed a little bit earlier than what I usually do. Need to only get on the computer to do my homework and to check my msgs and then get my butt off.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Luck....yeah right..can you say bad luck
My bad luck started Sunday when I woke up. Come to find out the cable wasn't working at all, so I called and they came out first thing yesterday. Yesterday their server crashed so not only my cable was out my Internet was out to. Life without cable or Internet SUCKS, by the way. This morning the guy came out and fixed it thank god.
Continuing on with my bad luck Sunday I went to have my hair highlighted and trimmed. Well, the woman that done my hair wasn't paying attention at all. She kept on talking about her stalker guy and playing with her friends hair while she was highlighting she told her other friend to wash out my hair and the top of my hair was almost white and the rest of the highlights from root down was a darker blonde. She fixed it and the problem was solved. Then she started cutting my hair and I told her split ends and dead ends off so a couple of inches gone. Well I noticed yesterday I have a lot of split ends she probably didn't even take 1/2 inch off of my hair. So I am NEVER going back there.
Oh the bad luck isn't over just yet.....Yesterday we went to the movies and messed around at a couple of stores. Came home in the AC is BROKE. I called the homeowner and he is suppose to have a guy come out today, but I haven't heard nothing from his guy that fixes the unit. I called the homeowner back and I am waiting on his call. I am just thinking god that it isn't that hot outside at all. This is the reason at this very moment I do not want to be one point I thought it was a great idea to buy a house, but after I take a closer look into it things like this that happens to your house if you don't have a lot of money saved or not have are going to put yourself in a money pit trying to fix things like this.
This week as only begun I am pretty sure the bad luck isn't over yet...wonder what it is going to be next?
Continuing on with my bad luck Sunday I went to have my hair highlighted and trimmed. Well, the woman that done my hair wasn't paying attention at all. She kept on talking about her stalker guy and playing with her friends hair while she was highlighting she told her other friend to wash out my hair and the top of my hair was almost white and the rest of the highlights from root down was a darker blonde. She fixed it and the problem was solved. Then she started cutting my hair and I told her split ends and dead ends off so a couple of inches gone. Well I noticed yesterday I have a lot of split ends she probably didn't even take 1/2 inch off of my hair. So I am NEVER going back there.
Oh the bad luck isn't over just yet.....Yesterday we went to the movies and messed around at a couple of stores. Came home in the AC is BROKE. I called the homeowner and he is suppose to have a guy come out today, but I haven't heard nothing from his guy that fixes the unit. I called the homeowner back and I am waiting on his call. I am just thinking god that it isn't that hot outside at all. This is the reason at this very moment I do not want to be one point I thought it was a great idea to buy a house, but after I take a closer look into it things like this that happens to your house if you don't have a lot of money saved or not have are going to put yourself in a money pit trying to fix things like this.
This week as only begun I am pretty sure the bad luck isn't over yet...wonder what it is going to be next?
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Starting a new week
The in laws have been in since Thursday and the hubby got in yesterday. I am happy to have him home. Sadly the in laws are leaving us tomorrow and it is going to be months before we will see them again, hopefully they will come in for Thanksgiving. We have had a blast while they have been here, minus the HOT weather that we are having, temps past 100 really suck. I am ready to start the new week though and get everything back to normal. Talking about getting things back to normal, this morning I woke up and my cable isn't working at all. There is this error msg on it...stupid FIOS. First thing in the morning Verizon will be here to fix it, but I miss ARMY WIVES tonight. I hate missing it, but thank god for on demand. They better have it on demand tomorrow where I can watch it.
While the in laws have been here we got new tires for the truck, which they helped us with. My father in law grounded me from driving my truck till I got new tires, so of course I got them....a southern girl has gottas to have her truck. I love having them here they help out a lot with lil man and they bought hubby's Christmas present early because he is going to be deployed for the holidays. Plus, I am going to miss the good ol' southern cooking for the dad.
This week I start a new college class which I am excited about, but I have enjoyed my 2 weeks off from school...not writing papers, not checking in everyday for school.....LESS STRESSFUL it seemed like. School, school, lil man starts preschool. I know I am being a huge baby about it, but him going to school all day is a huge change for the both of us. But on a good note I am very excited to go school shopping for him, I think we are going to start school shopping this week.
With everything said...I think I have said everything I wanted to say...I am going to go and spend time with the family.
While the in laws have been here we got new tires for the truck, which they helped us with. My father in law grounded me from driving my truck till I got new tires, so of course I got them....a southern girl has gottas to have her truck. I love having them here they help out a lot with lil man and they bought hubby's Christmas present early because he is going to be deployed for the holidays. Plus, I am going to miss the good ol' southern cooking for the dad.
This week I start a new college class which I am excited about, but I have enjoyed my 2 weeks off from school...not writing papers, not checking in everyday for school.....LESS STRESSFUL it seemed like. School, school, lil man starts preschool. I know I am being a huge baby about it, but him going to school all day is a huge change for the both of us. But on a good note I am very excited to go school shopping for him, I think we are going to start school shopping this week.
With everything said...I think I have said everything I wanted to say...I am going to go and spend time with the family.

Thursday, July 22, 2010
I hate credit card companies
I freaking hate credit card companies. Best buy up their interest rates so our payment went up a dollar. The statement was late for some odd reason coming in the mail and I paid what w usually owe. The statement comes in a day after the bill is due and it is a dollar more. So, they are charging us a 40 dollars late payment fee for $1...I mean what the crap. So, we called and they dropped it down to $20, but still it was only a dollar. I cannot wait till we are out of debt were we do not have to deal with companies like this. They are stupid I swear a huge charge only for a dollar.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
An alright day
Today my day started out a lil bad. Medical sucks 99.9% of the time it seems, while on Tricare Prime it seems that way. The doctor refuses to give me a referral when they have no appointments this week available, all they told me was to go to the ER when it is not an emergency, but I need to be seen. So, for the first 2 hours of me being up I was calling a bunch of numbers and still have no appointment. Thinking tomorrow I am going to go face them in person.
After putting up with a lot of dumb people with medical I decided to take lil man to the park, but first of course he ahs to have his John Cena cup from 7-Eleven. I agreed to get him one. So, we go into 7-Eleven and they have 4 wrestling cups and they have only 3 stakes sitting there and what is my luck the one that is missing is John Cena. Zander at this point is telling me he wants no other cup, but the john Cena cup. We walk up to the counter and the older woman looks at me like I am stupid because Zander is demanding for this cup. The younger lady walks over there and starts pulling out all of this cups from the dispenser till she found Zander his John Cena cup. I am so glad that she found one or I would of been stuck going around to 7-Elevens all over town till I found him that freaking cup. Now he is carrying around the action figure that comes off of the straw.
At the park, while Zander was playing I decided that today I am going to start getting things down that are on my "bucket list". Today me and lil man went for a mile walk and after we came home I decided to mow the yard, which I consider my workout for the day, lol. I am going to work out everyday from now on even if it has just to be walking. After 30 days I will mark it off of my list. Also, Day 1 without eating fast food, YAY. I find myself a lot of times being lazy with not cooking when the hubby isn't home, but I want to break myself from that. If I can go 30 days without eating fast food I will be happy.
Tonight I have to clean and wash clothes...Why, my in laws are on their way way down, they will be here tomorrow. I am so excited to have them here. They seem like the only ones from back home that ever comes up here to see us anyways. Plus, I love my father in laws cooking. He can cook and I don't complain when he is here because I get to have country cooking. Yeah, yeah, yeah...I know that kind of cooking is bad for me especially when I am trying to lose weight, but it is only for a couple of days. Talking about losing weight I am hiding my freaking scale. I have a bad habit with almost stepping on it everyday, so I figured if I hide it and only weight myself once a month it would probably make me feel better. I want to lose 40 pounds which will put me down to the size before I got pregnant with lil man. I am determine to get back down there.
Well, I am off to clean and do laundry....Oh what fun...but as we all know it is part of being a mommy and a wife.
After putting up with a lot of dumb people with medical I decided to take lil man to the park, but first of course he ahs to have his John Cena cup from 7-Eleven. I agreed to get him one. So, we go into 7-Eleven and they have 4 wrestling cups and they have only 3 stakes sitting there and what is my luck the one that is missing is John Cena. Zander at this point is telling me he wants no other cup, but the john Cena cup. We walk up to the counter and the older woman looks at me like I am stupid because Zander is demanding for this cup. The younger lady walks over there and starts pulling out all of this cups from the dispenser till she found Zander his John Cena cup. I am so glad that she found one or I would of been stuck going around to 7-Elevens all over town till I found him that freaking cup. Now he is carrying around the action figure that comes off of the straw.
At the park, while Zander was playing I decided that today I am going to start getting things down that are on my "bucket list". Today me and lil man went for a mile walk and after we came home I decided to mow the yard, which I consider my workout for the day, lol. I am going to work out everyday from now on even if it has just to be walking. After 30 days I will mark it off of my list. Also, Day 1 without eating fast food, YAY. I find myself a lot of times being lazy with not cooking when the hubby isn't home, but I want to break myself from that. If I can go 30 days without eating fast food I will be happy.
Tonight I have to clean and wash clothes...Why, my in laws are on their way way down, they will be here tomorrow. I am so excited to have them here. They seem like the only ones from back home that ever comes up here to see us anyways. Plus, I love my father in laws cooking. He can cook and I don't complain when he is here because I get to have country cooking. Yeah, yeah, yeah...I know that kind of cooking is bad for me especially when I am trying to lose weight, but it is only for a couple of days. Talking about losing weight I am hiding my freaking scale. I have a bad habit with almost stepping on it everyday, so I figured if I hide it and only weight myself once a month it would probably make me feel better. I want to lose 40 pounds which will put me down to the size before I got pregnant with lil man. I am determine to get back down there.
Well, I am off to clean and do laundry....Oh what fun...but as we all know it is part of being a mommy and a wife.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
It has been a VERY long time since the last time I have blogged, but don't worry I'm back and hopefully no more long breaks. I have finally got my blog page almost like I want it so you will see a lot of changes to my page. Hopefully I will also start back on photography and of course graphics if I ever find the time.
So, so far it has been a very long summer, hot to the extreme, mother nature needs to make up her mind on what kind of weather she wants to have. This year and weather has been something else. First, started the year off with snow, A LOT of snow and now it is hot, to hot if you ask me.
Since I have blogged last I have made new friends and sent some other ones packing that I felt like I could not trust or just not my "type" of person I like to hang around with. I love meeting other military wives because we are all going through the same thing and I feel that a civilian wife wouldn't know what we have to go thur. Plus, when the hubby's are away our friends are our families and we depend on each other to get thru the long, sometimes rough, and hard months. I want all my wonderful friends to know I love them dearly.
On to the next subject, I am so excited that my lil man starts preschool this year. I am hoping to find me a great job in the criminal justice field, I am going to miss him when he is at school all day long. I love to babysit the kids I am watching right now, but it is time for mommy to go back to work, which I won't probably do till I find that right job just for me.
Well, I am going to go for now I am going to go relax in the pool, lol.
So, so far it has been a very long summer, hot to the extreme, mother nature needs to make up her mind on what kind of weather she wants to have. This year and weather has been something else. First, started the year off with snow, A LOT of snow and now it is hot, to hot if you ask me.
Since I have blogged last I have made new friends and sent some other ones packing that I felt like I could not trust or just not my "type" of person I like to hang around with. I love meeting other military wives because we are all going through the same thing and I feel that a civilian wife wouldn't know what we have to go thur. Plus, when the hubby's are away our friends are our families and we depend on each other to get thru the long, sometimes rough, and hard months. I want all my wonderful friends to know I love them dearly.
On to the next subject, I am so excited that my lil man starts preschool this year. I am hoping to find me a great job in the criminal justice field, I am going to miss him when he is at school all day long. I love to babysit the kids I am watching right now, but it is time for mommy to go back to work, which I won't probably do till I find that right job just for me.
Well, I am going to go for now I am going to go relax in the pool, lol.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Its been a while...Update on everything
Where do I begin?
- Let's start with the husband, lol. Deployment is almost over, YAY. I decided instead of a back massage for a homecoming/birthday gift I would buy him a grill. I bought the grill and his dad has put it up. I can't wait for him to be home and us grill outside. It seems like these last couple of days is taking forever. We got the times they were going to be in this morning, so it has set in that he is OFFICIALLY.
- I have started babysitting this month for extra money and to pass my time away. I use to babysit, but it seems like this time is different. I loved it before, but I am loving it more now. I guess because we have a house and a back yard for the kids to play in. Talking about backyards we have to buy lil man some more play toys for the backyard.
- In Laws are in and I am loving it. It gives me a little break during the day. I have help around the house, lol. They are staying up here till hubby's homecoming, in which we are all excited about. They are going out today looking for a lawn mower, while I am babysitting for a couple of hours.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Aging.... (Very personal)
It's funny I turn 24 in a couple of hours and this is my 24 blog posting.....Just thought I would share that.
I am sitting here and I was talking to my Lil/Big bro and we have realized that being a kid is much easier than being an adult. Each year we get older and as kids we wanted to get older, but now the odd thing is now that we are adults we wish we could be kids again. Looking back it seems like just yesterday me and my siblings were just kids. Running, playing, and all of us alive and well. Today sitting here I would never imagine me being married with a child, my sister have a lil girl, and my lil/big bro have 2 great kids. We use to get into trouble together, didn't care what happen to us, but now it's so different. I remember my 18th birthday like it was yesterday. I wanted to stop aging then. I know this sounds odd, but everyone looks forward to their 21st birthday and that is a birthday I didn't look forward to. My oldest sister never lived past the age of 21. Each year when my birthday rolls around that is the first thing I think that I am older than she got to be.
One good thing about aging is that you start making new memories. You add new people into the family and you have your own kids that you get to watch grow up. I am sure when Zander turns 24, it will seem like just yesterday that he was born.
So here is to another year of living life to the fullest...never miss a beat. You only live once, so make your life worth living. Cheers
I am sitting here and I was talking to my Lil/Big bro and we have realized that being a kid is much easier than being an adult. Each year we get older and as kids we wanted to get older, but now the odd thing is now that we are adults we wish we could be kids again. Looking back it seems like just yesterday me and my siblings were just kids. Running, playing, and all of us alive and well. Today sitting here I would never imagine me being married with a child, my sister have a lil girl, and my lil/big bro have 2 great kids. We use to get into trouble together, didn't care what happen to us, but now it's so different. I remember my 18th birthday like it was yesterday. I wanted to stop aging then. I know this sounds odd, but everyone looks forward to their 21st birthday and that is a birthday I didn't look forward to. My oldest sister never lived past the age of 21. Each year when my birthday rolls around that is the first thing I think that I am older than she got to be.
One good thing about aging is that you start making new memories. You add new people into the family and you have your own kids that you get to watch grow up. I am sure when Zander turns 24, it will seem like just yesterday that he was born.
So here is to another year of living life to the fullest...never miss a beat. You only live once, so make your life worth living. Cheers
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Near the end
So we are near the end of this deployment. There's so many things that I am hoping will make the last couple of weeks fly by. I am going to start babysitting my friends kiddos so that will kill some time and then almost a week from now the in laws are coming down. Tuesday March 30 is my birthday and a really good friend is cooking me dinner, so I am super excited about that. I am just hoping that time will go by really fast. I hate waiting.
A lot has happen since the last time I wrote....First, I have to go to the dentist and have a root canal. It isn't done yet I go back the 6th to have it finished up. I hate the dentist, when I say hate I mean I hate the dentist. There are many reasons for this. Dental work is more than going to the ER if something is wrong and of course in m opinion dental insurance sucks. I know our insurance only pays half...Only half that means whatever is wrong it will be expensive. Your teeth is eventually going to fall out, so why does it have to be so expensive. Second, I hate the pain. I think pain in your mouth is worse than almost any other pain. The reason I went to the dentist is because I has having pains here and there, so I decided to go before it got worse. I WAS NOT in pain seems since the dentist has bothered my tooth I have been in some kind of pain in my mouth, minus today.
Oh a good note...Of course I wrote that I found the perfect dress and now I have found my son the perfect shirt for homecoming. It matches the blue that is in my dress, so I am so excited. I also bought him these jeans that are really cute. They have that dirty look to them and with the shirt he is coming to look so handsome. Talking about homecoming, one of the things I am excited about this homecoming is the In Laws are going to be up here for homecoming. They have never been here for homecoming so I am super excited about that. They get to see what it is all about...YAY!!!
Lil man is on this new med to help him sleep at night and it works great....he takes halves during the day to calm him down. I am so glad that the doctor finally decided to do something about everything that is going on with him. He has testing on the 14th so see how delayed he is. He just had almost the same testing last summer back home in Tennessee, but I guess Virginia is way different than Tennessee.
March 30 I start back to school officially...yay for me. I am use of doing 2 classes at a time with each of them being 9 weeks, but I guess I am doing one class at a time with each class being 5 weeks. I am excited to see how this is going to turn out...
I am going to go, sorry I haven't wrote in awhile, but I have been super busy...I will try to write more another time.
A lot has happen since the last time I wrote....First, I have to go to the dentist and have a root canal. It isn't done yet I go back the 6th to have it finished up. I hate the dentist, when I say hate I mean I hate the dentist. There are many reasons for this. Dental work is more than going to the ER if something is wrong and of course in m opinion dental insurance sucks. I know our insurance only pays half...Only half that means whatever is wrong it will be expensive. Your teeth is eventually going to fall out, so why does it have to be so expensive. Second, I hate the pain. I think pain in your mouth is worse than almost any other pain. The reason I went to the dentist is because I has having pains here and there, so I decided to go before it got worse. I WAS NOT in pain seems since the dentist has bothered my tooth I have been in some kind of pain in my mouth, minus today.
Oh a good note...Of course I wrote that I found the perfect dress and now I have found my son the perfect shirt for homecoming. It matches the blue that is in my dress, so I am so excited. I also bought him these jeans that are really cute. They have that dirty look to them and with the shirt he is coming to look so handsome. Talking about homecoming, one of the things I am excited about this homecoming is the In Laws are going to be up here for homecoming. They have never been here for homecoming so I am super excited about that. They get to see what it is all about...YAY!!!
Lil man is on this new med to help him sleep at night and it works great....he takes halves during the day to calm him down. I am so glad that the doctor finally decided to do something about everything that is going on with him. He has testing on the 14th so see how delayed he is. He just had almost the same testing last summer back home in Tennessee, but I guess Virginia is way different than Tennessee.
March 30 I start back to school officially...yay for me. I am use of doing 2 classes at a time with each of them being 9 weeks, but I guess I am doing one class at a time with each class being 5 weeks. I am excited to see how this is going to turn out...
I am going to go, sorry I haven't wrote in awhile, but I have been super busy...I will try to write more another time.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Real vs Fake Friends
Fake Friends:
- The number one thing that fake friends do it tell your business. Just not any business, the business that you have shared with them and should be left private.
- Fake friends always expects the other person to come and visit them or expects the other person to call them and plan something. They do not want to put forth the effort to plan something or leave their house to go hang at other friends houses.
- It is always about them. This kinda goes with the last one. Every word that comes out of their mouth is about THEM. No how are you doing...I hope you are doing well. Right off bat they have something to bitch about or have a million and one things that is wrong with them and they tell you everything and when you try to tell them something they turn the subject back around to THEM...once again
- They also don't keep their word. They make plans every time and never follow thur with them because once again it is always something.
Real Friends
- A real friend is honest no matter what...if you look like complete shit they will tell you exactly how it is.
- They accept you for who you are and they love you regardless, even if you are being an ass.
- Very supportive of you goals and your ideas.
- One of the most important ones is that you can trust them. You can trust them with anything and you know at the end of the day...they won't judge you are go run off and tell someone else.
- The most important one is that.....they stick with you through the good times and the bad times no matter what.
Enjoying life
Today I actually succeed in getting some sun....It's funny because my legs won't tan but my upper body is so nerve raking. I am going to go outside and lay in the sun everyday till the hubby returns and then hopefully my legs will have a little tan on them. I am hoping at least.
So tomorrow I am going to the dentist. I HATE the dentist, always have and always will. I am hoping I just need a filling something cheap and easy. My tooth just hurts off and on so hopefully no root canal. I know they are going to tell me I need my wisdom teeth out, but I have been putting that off for years, they don't bother me so way put myself in pain to have them cut out. That is how I see it. Friday my son has a doctors appointment for his sleeping. I am hoping it is just a phase, but I guess we will see Friday. Talking about lil seems like he is just getting more and more hyper everyday. Any of you have any suggestions on how to handle a hyper kid, lol. They are going to start his ADHD testing once he starts preschool.
I have came up with the prefect gift for my hubby's birthday/homecoming gift...What sucks I cannot post it on here because he reads my blog...sorry baby...I love you though. When he comes home we have a lot of yard work to do during his leave...I am so excited about working in the yard. I done a little yard work in the back today, but not much. I mostly done it to get some sun. Once hubby is home we are going to start working out as a family....going to the park and walking...walking around the neighborhood....just something. I need to lose weight. I was losing weight till I moved back to Virginia, but I am slowly gaining it back. I have gained back like 3 pounds and I hate that. I will lose those 3 pounds before hubby returns.
March 30, which is my 24th birthday...I start school again YAY. I am going to go my bachelors without any school loans. That is my goal. I already had an account set up with MyCAA, so I get to use that money for my first 7 classes. I am so excited. Now I just have to find me a job and I will be fully satisfied. I love staying at home with lil man, but I need a job. I start watching my friends kiddos next month till I find a job. I am also excited about that because I love her lil kiddos.
Well, I am going to go for now...Bye
So tomorrow I am going to the dentist. I HATE the dentist, always have and always will. I am hoping I just need a filling something cheap and easy. My tooth just hurts off and on so hopefully no root canal. I know they are going to tell me I need my wisdom teeth out, but I have been putting that off for years, they don't bother me so way put myself in pain to have them cut out. That is how I see it. Friday my son has a doctors appointment for his sleeping. I am hoping it is just a phase, but I guess we will see Friday. Talking about lil seems like he is just getting more and more hyper everyday. Any of you have any suggestions on how to handle a hyper kid, lol. They are going to start his ADHD testing once he starts preschool.
I have came up with the prefect gift for my hubby's birthday/homecoming gift...What sucks I cannot post it on here because he reads my blog...sorry baby...I love you though. When he comes home we have a lot of yard work to do during his leave...I am so excited about working in the yard. I done a little yard work in the back today, but not much. I mostly done it to get some sun. Once hubby is home we are going to start working out as a family....going to the park and walking...walking around the neighborhood....just something. I need to lose weight. I was losing weight till I moved back to Virginia, but I am slowly gaining it back. I have gained back like 3 pounds and I hate that. I will lose those 3 pounds before hubby returns.
March 30, which is my 24th birthday...I start school again YAY. I am going to go my bachelors without any school loans. That is my goal. I already had an account set up with MyCAA, so I get to use that money for my first 7 classes. I am so excited. Now I just have to find me a job and I will be fully satisfied. I love staying at home with lil man, but I need a job. I start watching my friends kiddos next month till I find a job. I am also excited about that because I love her lil kiddos.
Well, I am going to go for now...Bye
Saturday, March 20, 2010
A day at the beach.....
I decided to go to the beach today. Perfect weather or as some call it beach weather. My husband told me not to go till he got home...but his parents are coming down before he gets back and that will be one of the places that we go to first. We had a blast at the beach with some friends. Played in the sand...shopped in the boardwalk stores (even though we bought nothing)....and we walked the boardwalk. Lil Man loved it until the walk back to the truck. We parked on 14th St. and we walked down I would say about 28th St. and on the way back a woman ran him over with a bicycle. He is fine, but she didn't even say she was sorry. What kind of woman is that. We are thinking about going back tomorrow and if I do I am going to wear so shorts and a spaghetti strap top to get me some sun before the hubby comes home.
So..I have been working at getting some things done here and there...One thing I am dying to do is plant flowers, but I cannot till the hubby comes home. He wants to help me and I am really excited about it...I know I sound like a dork, but I am.
Talking about the wonderful husband I have, I received my birthday package from him. It is the best gift ever. He bought me the Twilight books gift set. I have read the first 2, so now I just have to read the last 2. I cannot believe he remembered to get me those. I owe him BIG time, lol. I love you baby.
I have less than 2 weeks before the in laws get here so I have to start getting some stuff done. With only 2 weeks until they get here, which means homecoming is coming up soon. I am so excited. I am trying to make the time go by fast, which rarely happens. I keep on telling lil man that daddy is coming home soon and he will take you to Chucky E Cheese, lol.
Well I am going to go..I have a 4 year old to go keep up with.
So..I have been working at getting some things done here and there...One thing I am dying to do is plant flowers, but I cannot till the hubby comes home. He wants to help me and I am really excited about it...I know I sound like a dork, but I am.
Talking about the wonderful husband I have, I received my birthday package from him. It is the best gift ever. He bought me the Twilight books gift set. I have read the first 2, so now I just have to read the last 2. I cannot believe he remembered to get me those. I owe him BIG time, lol. I love you baby.
I have less than 2 weeks before the in laws get here so I have to start getting some stuff done. With only 2 weeks until they get here, which means homecoming is coming up soon. I am so excited. I am trying to make the time go by fast, which rarely happens. I keep on telling lil man that daddy is coming home soon and he will take you to Chucky E Cheese, lol.
Well I am going to go..I have a 4 year old to go keep up with.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Counting the days.......
So with us being in our final month of the deployment, I am slowly....but surely wrapping up things at home. Yesterday, I bought my homecoming dress. I love this dress. I have to work on getting me a tan or I will have to get a spray on I have a list of things I need to do at home before hubby comes home. Getting a dress was the first thing on my list to do. Next, I have to find lil man the perfect outfit to wear to homecoming. Most of the things on my list will be done a week before hand because my in laws are coming down for Spring Break. Ihave to make sure everything is cleaned. I was going to start on the yard work, but I figured that can wait till the hubby comes home.
I rented "Did you hear about the Morgans", for tonight. I have been wanting to see it since I have seen the previews. I am hoping it is a good movie because I have waited a long time to see it. While, talking about movies tomorrow is March 20 and that means New Moon is coming out on DVD. I am so excited. I will probably wait till hubby comes home to rent ir or may even buy it.
Well...sorry this isn't a long entry, but I have to go cook Spaghetti for the kiddos...I am babysitting tonight.
I am also taking the poll down and going to put another one up soon. Thanks
I rented "Did you hear about the Morgans", for tonight. I have been wanting to see it since I have seen the previews. I am hoping it is a good movie because I have waited a long time to see it. While, talking about movies tomorrow is March 20 and that means New Moon is coming out on DVD. I am so excited. I will probably wait till hubby comes home to rent ir or may even buy it.
Well...sorry this isn't a long entry, but I have to go cook Spaghetti for the kiddos...I am babysitting tonight.
I am also taking the poll down and going to put another one up soon. Thanks
Monday, March 15, 2010
It's been awhile....
Since I have written we have went through a time change for Spring. I wanna say I hate the time change....I really do. It makes me feel like I am sleeping later than i should when we move up an hour. It makes the days seem shorter and it is always later than you have realized. It is like when you get use to one time change the other one is right around the corner waiting to happen.
Ok...enough talking about the time change. So, I have decided that for homecoming for my husband I want to wear a dress. It's funny actually because I do not wear dresses...I think the only time he has ever seen me in one is when we got married. I have been looking for the perfect dress, but yet I haven't found one. I am in a rush because I have less than a month. I think for my son I am going to order him a homecoming shirt from The last time my hubby was deployed that is what I did and I think I will do that again. we have to look pretty for our Sailor, lol.
So, the doctor put lil man on these all natural pills that are suppose to help you go to sleep. Let me tell ya...these things barely work. I have no clue what is up with his sleeping habits, but he has taken them for 2 nights and I haven't seen a change. yes, last night he went to bed earlier than what he usually does, but it was still very late. The first night he went to sleep fast, but the thing was he woke up like a hour and half later and he was fully awake and ready to go like he already had a full night of sleep. So, if you have any suggestions on how to help him go to sleep at night, please, please, let me know....I think I have tried everything so far. I have even cut out his nap. I am hoping this is just a stage that some kids go through.
My hubby called yesterday and I guess he has bought me a birthday present and it will be here Wednesday. I am driving myself nuts because I am trying to figure out what the heck he has bought. When he bought me flowers he used the regular credit card so I knew to expect flowers from him.....this time he didn't use the regular credit card and I have no clue what to expect. All the he has told me is that it is something I have wanted for a long time. I can't think of what it could be. So, I guess I will be waiting here this week for me to get a package.
Well, I am going to go...I hope everyone has a good week.
Ok...enough talking about the time change. So, I have decided that for homecoming for my husband I want to wear a dress. It's funny actually because I do not wear dresses...I think the only time he has ever seen me in one is when we got married. I have been looking for the perfect dress, but yet I haven't found one. I am in a rush because I have less than a month. I think for my son I am going to order him a homecoming shirt from The last time my hubby was deployed that is what I did and I think I will do that again. we have to look pretty for our Sailor, lol.
So, the doctor put lil man on these all natural pills that are suppose to help you go to sleep. Let me tell ya...these things barely work. I have no clue what is up with his sleeping habits, but he has taken them for 2 nights and I haven't seen a change. yes, last night he went to bed earlier than what he usually does, but it was still very late. The first night he went to sleep fast, but the thing was he woke up like a hour and half later and he was fully awake and ready to go like he already had a full night of sleep. So, if you have any suggestions on how to help him go to sleep at night, please, please, let me know....I think I have tried everything so far. I have even cut out his nap. I am hoping this is just a stage that some kids go through.
My hubby called yesterday and I guess he has bought me a birthday present and it will be here Wednesday. I am driving myself nuts because I am trying to figure out what the heck he has bought. When he bought me flowers he used the regular credit card so I knew to expect flowers from him.....this time he didn't use the regular credit card and I have no clue what to expect. All the he has told me is that it is something I have wanted for a long time. I can't think of what it could be. So, I guess I will be waiting here this week for me to get a package.
Well, I am going to go...I hope everyone has a good week.
Friday, March 12, 2010
As you can see I have put a poll on my page...My hubby has a friend that wants to move in....I personally do not like having roommates, we have had a bad experience with roommates. If we let his friend movie in we would save like 500 dollars a month, which is a lot, but it just won't be just us here....Please vote and tell me what you think....Please..Thanks
How to simulate being a Sailor
1. Buy a dumpster, paint it gray inside and out, and live in it for six months.
2. Run all the pipes and wires in your house exposed on the walls.
3. Repaint your entire house every month.
4. Renovate your bathroom. Build a wall across the middle of the bathtub and move the shower head to chest level. When you take showers, make sure you turn off the water while you soap down.
5. Put lube oil in your humidifier and set it on high.
6. Once a week, blow air up your chimney, with a leaf blower and let the wind carry the soot onto your neighbor's house. Ignore his complaints.
7. Once a month, take all major appliances apart and reassemble them.
8. Raise the thresholds and lower the headers of your front and back doors so that you either trip or bang your head every time you pass through them.
9. Disassemble and inspect your lawnmower every week.
10. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, turn your water heater temperature up to 200 degrees. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, turn the water heater off. On Saturdays and Sundays tell your family they use too much water, so no bathing will be allowed.
11. Raise your bed to within 6 inches of the ceiling, so you can't turn over without getting out and then getting back in.
12. Sleep on the shelf in your closet. Replace the closet door with a curtain. Have your spouse whip open the curtain about 3 hours after you go to sleep, shine a flashlight in your eyes, and say "Sorry, wrong rack."
13. Make your family qualify to operate each appliance in your house - dishwasher operator, blender technician, etc. Re-qualify every 6 months.
14. Have your neighbor come over each day at 0500 , blow a whistle so loud Helen Keller could hear it, and shout "Reveille, reveille, all hands heave out and trice up."
15. Have your mother-in-law write down everything she's going to do the following day, then have her make you stand in your back yard at 0600 while she reads it to you.
16. Submit a request chit to your father-in-law requesting permission to leave your house before 1500.
17. Empty all the garbage bins in your house and sweep the driveway three times a day, whether it needs it or not. "Now sweepers, sweepers, man your brooms, give the ship a clean sweep down fore and aft, empty all shit cans and butt kits!"
18. Have your neighbor collect all your mail for a month, read your magazines, and randomly lose every 5th item before delivering the rest.
19. Watch no TV except for movies played in the middle of the night. Have your family vote on which movie to watch, then show a different one-- the same one every night.
20. When your children are in bed, run into their room with a megaphone shouting "Now general quarters, general quarters! All hands man your battle stations!
21. Make your family's menu a week ahead of time without consulting the pantry or refrigerator.
22. Post a menu on the kitchen door informing your family that they are having steak for dinner. Then make them wait in line for an hour. When they finally get to the kitchen, tell them you are out of steak, but they can have dried ham or hot dogs.Repeat daily until they ignore the menu and just ask for hot dogs.
23. Bake a cake. Prop up one side of the pan so the cake bakes unevenly. Spread icing real thick to level it off.
24. Get up every night around midnight and have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on stale bread. (Midrats)
25. Set your alarm clock to go off at random during the night. At the alarm, jump up and dress as fast as you can, making sure to button your top shirt button and tuck your pants into your socks. Run out into the backyard and uncoil the garden hose and put out a simulated fire..
26. Every week or so, throw your cat or dog into the pool and shout "Man overboard, port side!" Rate your family members on how fast they respond.
27. Put the headphones from your stereo on your head, but don't plug them in. Hang a paper cup around your neck on a string. Stand in front of the stove, and speak into the paper cup, "Stove manned and ready." After an hour or so, speak into the cup again "Stove secured." Roll up the headphones and paper cup and stow them in a shoe box.
28. Make your family turn out all the lights and go to bed at 10 p.m. "Now taps, taps! Lights out! Maintain silence throughout the ship!" Then immediately have an 18-wheeler crash into your house. (For aircraft carrier sailors.)
29. Build a fire in a trash can in your garage. Loudly announce to your family, "This is a drill, this is a drill! Fire in hangar bay one!"
30. Place a podium at the end of your driveway. Have your family stand in front of the podium for 4-hour intervals.
Best done when the weather is worst. January is a good time.
31. Next time there's a bad thunderstorm in your area, find the biggest horse you can, put a two-inch mattress on his back, strap yourself to it and turn him loose in a barn for six hours. Then get up and go to work.
32. For former engineers: bring your lawn mower into the living room, and run it all day long.
33. Make coffee using eighteen scoops of budget priced coffee grounds per pot, and let the pot simmer for 5 hours before drinking.
34. Have someone under the age of ten give you a haircut with sheep shears.
35. Sew the back pockets of your jeans onto the front.
36. Add 1/3 cup of diesel fuel to the laundry.
37. Take hourly readings on your electric and water meters.
38. Every couple of weeks, dress up in your best clothes and go to the scummiest part of town. Find the most run down, trashiest bar, and drink beer until you are hammered. Then walk all the way home.
39. Lock yourself and your family in the house for six weeks. Tell them that at the end of the 6th week you'll take them to Disney World for liberty. At the end of the 6th week, inform them the trip to Disney World has been canceled because they need to get ready for an inspection, and it will be another week before they can leave the house.
2. Run all the pipes and wires in your house exposed on the walls.
3. Repaint your entire house every month.
4. Renovate your bathroom. Build a wall across the middle of the bathtub and move the shower head to chest level. When you take showers, make sure you turn off the water while you soap down.
5. Put lube oil in your humidifier and set it on high.
6. Once a week, blow air up your chimney, with a leaf blower and let the wind carry the soot onto your neighbor's house. Ignore his complaints.
7. Once a month, take all major appliances apart and reassemble them.
8. Raise the thresholds and lower the headers of your front and back doors so that you either trip or bang your head every time you pass through them.
9. Disassemble and inspect your lawnmower every week.
10. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, turn your water heater temperature up to 200 degrees. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, turn the water heater off. On Saturdays and Sundays tell your family they use too much water, so no bathing will be allowed.
11. Raise your bed to within 6 inches of the ceiling, so you can't turn over without getting out and then getting back in.
12. Sleep on the shelf in your closet. Replace the closet door with a curtain. Have your spouse whip open the curtain about 3 hours after you go to sleep, shine a flashlight in your eyes, and say "Sorry, wrong rack."
13. Make your family qualify to operate each appliance in your house - dishwasher operator, blender technician, etc. Re-qualify every 6 months.
14. Have your neighbor come over each day at 0500 , blow a whistle so loud Helen Keller could hear it, and shout "Reveille, reveille, all hands heave out and trice up."
15. Have your mother-in-law write down everything she's going to do the following day, then have her make you stand in your back yard at 0600 while she reads it to you.
16. Submit a request chit to your father-in-law requesting permission to leave your house before 1500.
17. Empty all the garbage bins in your house and sweep the driveway three times a day, whether it needs it or not. "Now sweepers, sweepers, man your brooms, give the ship a clean sweep down fore and aft, empty all shit cans and butt kits!"
18. Have your neighbor collect all your mail for a month, read your magazines, and randomly lose every 5th item before delivering the rest.
19. Watch no TV except for movies played in the middle of the night. Have your family vote on which movie to watch, then show a different one-- the same one every night.
20. When your children are in bed, run into their room with a megaphone shouting "Now general quarters, general quarters! All hands man your battle stations!
21. Make your family's menu a week ahead of time without consulting the pantry or refrigerator.
22. Post a menu on the kitchen door informing your family that they are having steak for dinner. Then make them wait in line for an hour. When they finally get to the kitchen, tell them you are out of steak, but they can have dried ham or hot dogs.Repeat daily until they ignore the menu and just ask for hot dogs.
23. Bake a cake. Prop up one side of the pan so the cake bakes unevenly. Spread icing real thick to level it off.
24. Get up every night around midnight and have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on stale bread. (Midrats)
25. Set your alarm clock to go off at random during the night. At the alarm, jump up and dress as fast as you can, making sure to button your top shirt button and tuck your pants into your socks. Run out into the backyard and uncoil the garden hose and put out a simulated fire..
26. Every week or so, throw your cat or dog into the pool and shout "Man overboard, port side!" Rate your family members on how fast they respond.
27. Put the headphones from your stereo on your head, but don't plug them in. Hang a paper cup around your neck on a string. Stand in front of the stove, and speak into the paper cup, "Stove manned and ready." After an hour or so, speak into the cup again "Stove secured." Roll up the headphones and paper cup and stow them in a shoe box.
28. Make your family turn out all the lights and go to bed at 10 p.m. "Now taps, taps! Lights out! Maintain silence throughout the ship!" Then immediately have an 18-wheeler crash into your house. (For aircraft carrier sailors.)
29. Build a fire in a trash can in your garage. Loudly announce to your family, "This is a drill, this is a drill! Fire in hangar bay one!"
30. Place a podium at the end of your driveway. Have your family stand in front of the podium for 4-hour intervals.
Best done when the weather is worst. January is a good time.
31. Next time there's a bad thunderstorm in your area, find the biggest horse you can, put a two-inch mattress on his back, strap yourself to it and turn him loose in a barn for six hours. Then get up and go to work.
32. For former engineers: bring your lawn mower into the living room, and run it all day long.
33. Make coffee using eighteen scoops of budget priced coffee grounds per pot, and let the pot simmer for 5 hours before drinking.
34. Have someone under the age of ten give you a haircut with sheep shears.
35. Sew the back pockets of your jeans onto the front.
36. Add 1/3 cup of diesel fuel to the laundry.
37. Take hourly readings on your electric and water meters.
38. Every couple of weeks, dress up in your best clothes and go to the scummiest part of town. Find the most run down, trashiest bar, and drink beer until you are hammered. Then walk all the way home.
39. Lock yourself and your family in the house for six weeks. Tell them that at the end of the 6th week you'll take them to Disney World for liberty. At the end of the 6th week, inform them the trip to Disney World has been canceled because they need to get ready for an inspection, and it will be another week before they can leave the house.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
I am usually not up this early...I am not a morning person at all. So this morning I woke up with a major toothache...already started off bad, but thanks to a friend it is gone. She was a life saver she brought me meds for it and not it is gone....for now.....Today I am babysitting so it is me againest 3 kiddos, which isn't bad at all. I love watching the 2 kids I am watching. My goals for today is to wash clothes and at least get my SUV washed and vaccumed out. I have cleaned it out but not it is time to clean it competely out and after I get done with that one I am attacking the truck which doesn't need to be vaccumed or anything just needs to be washed by hand...I took it through a carwash not to long ago.....It looks pretty nice outside, so at least me and the kiddos won't be trapped inside all day.
Can you believe it is almost the middle of seems like March just started, I am so excited i turn 24 this month....I feel old. I was telling my sister the other day that she makes me feel young because she is turnign 30 this year lol....I was just telling a friend yesterday that I have a bug family...I use to hate having a big family, but I love it now that I have gotten older. I have 5 sibilings...which not it is like I have 3...I do not see my oldest brother that needs to grown up and when I was younger my oldest sister got killed. Now it is just like it is just the 4 of us me, my sister, and my twin brothers. It seems like as we get older we grow closer together and I love that. I was thinking the other day I never thought we would all have kids together, but me and my sister have kids 3 weeks and 1 day apart and my brothers 2 kids are just a couple of years younger. I sit back now and I would never, ever see us as parents...its funny because when I think about it I never see myself without any of our kiddos in our lives. They almost out number us, but thats the good thing...Well if you add my older brothers kids they do out number us Big time.
I am going to go and get working on some housework....
Can you believe it is almost the middle of seems like March just started, I am so excited i turn 24 this month....I feel old. I was telling my sister the other day that she makes me feel young because she is turnign 30 this year lol....I was just telling a friend yesterday that I have a bug family...I use to hate having a big family, but I love it now that I have gotten older. I have 5 sibilings...which not it is like I have 3...I do not see my oldest brother that needs to grown up and when I was younger my oldest sister got killed. Now it is just like it is just the 4 of us me, my sister, and my twin brothers. It seems like as we get older we grow closer together and I love that. I was thinking the other day I never thought we would all have kids together, but me and my sister have kids 3 weeks and 1 day apart and my brothers 2 kids are just a couple of years younger. I sit back now and I would never, ever see us as parents...its funny because when I think about it I never see myself without any of our kiddos in our lives. They almost out number us, but thats the good thing...Well if you add my older brothers kids they do out number us Big time.
I am going to go and get working on some housework....
Monday, March 8, 2010
My goals...
Its been a couple of days since I have wrote. They other day I decided to not do anything set around and be lazy, which was relaxing. I didn't clean, I didn't leave the house, I just stayed in my PJ's all day. While I was being lazy I decided to pull out some photos and edit them. I have forgotten how much I love photography. Sitting down and playing with them and just doing what ever to them. The last time I really just took my camera out was when I took some Christmas Dance pictures for my lovely sister and her friend. I didn't realize I missed it so I am excited about the warm weather to get here for me to take my camera back out and do pictures. We have this place called RedWing Park and I love going there for many reasons. They have a Japanese garden, a rose garden, and this huge flower garden. The flowers should be blooming in a couple of months...I am so excited...Have I mentioned I am so excited, lol.
I have promised myself because I still have close to 6000 dollars to spend on my schooling and the money is just waiting there for me to use it next Monday I am going to call the school and get started on my Bachelor's Degree. I am the first person out of my brothers and sisters to have a college degree. I have my Associate's in Criminal Justice. My goal is to someday go to law school, but honestly I do not see that happening because of the money it takes. Right now I am in the process of trying to find me a Probation Officer job...which I have not had any luck what so ever. It seems like no one is hiring. I hate the economy when it is like this. So I have made myself a post it note and stuck it in the office to remind me to call the school first thing Monday.
So, lil man is sick with a cold. I take him to the doctor Thursday to see what it is. The last time he had a cough like this and I thought it was a cold it turned out to be pneumonia. I hate it when he is sick. Like a normal child he refuses to take meds and I have to beg him to take his meds.
So I just got off the phone with my mom....she told me that my oldest brother called her, which he is would think he has grown up by now...he called to tell her that he may be another daddy that he isn't for sure....if he is he will have 7 kids...7.....I think it is time for him to GROW up...
Before I get off of here for the night..My really good friend Tashia also has a blog that everyone of you should check out. Its:
I am getting off and going to do my mother duties and relax....
I have promised myself because I still have close to 6000 dollars to spend on my schooling and the money is just waiting there for me to use it next Monday I am going to call the school and get started on my Bachelor's Degree. I am the first person out of my brothers and sisters to have a college degree. I have my Associate's in Criminal Justice. My goal is to someday go to law school, but honestly I do not see that happening because of the money it takes. Right now I am in the process of trying to find me a Probation Officer job...which I have not had any luck what so ever. It seems like no one is hiring. I hate the economy when it is like this. So I have made myself a post it note and stuck it in the office to remind me to call the school first thing Monday.
So, lil man is sick with a cold. I take him to the doctor Thursday to see what it is. The last time he had a cough like this and I thought it was a cold it turned out to be pneumonia. I hate it when he is sick. Like a normal child he refuses to take meds and I have to beg him to take his meds.
So I just got off the phone with my mom....she told me that my oldest brother called her, which he is would think he has grown up by now...he called to tell her that he may be another daddy that he isn't for sure....if he is he will have 7 kids...7.....I think it is time for him to GROW up...
Before I get off of here for the night..My really good friend Tashia also has a blog that everyone of you should check out. Its:
I am getting off and going to do my mother duties and relax....
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Mommy's Day Out...
I got to go out today with lil man....Thanks to my friend...thanks so so so much. I decided to go to the movies to see Dear John because I have wanted to see it every since I have seen the previews for it. Let me till you the movie was great...the ending wasn't the ending I wanted. I cried during the movie...I know I know...but I am a girl get over it, lol...I am allowed to cry during a movie, it is in our paper work, lol. if you haven't seen this movie it is a MUST see and Channing Tatum or course looked good in the inform....which makes me wanna watch Stop Loss tonight to see him in another uniform, lol. Well, I was at the movies I see the there is a Sex in the City 2 coming out, I am excited about that. I never watched Sex in the City until the movie and I fell in love. Of course I am a Twilight fan and June 30 the new movie comes out and New Moon comes out on DVD this month. I want the Twilight books...I have actually read the first and second one need to read the rest of them.
Getting on with life....I had a water leak some where the other day and it just stopped. The home owner came out and looked and seen nothing. Later on in the day the guy that works on the air unit outside said the homeowner told him to come over to look at the unit outside because it was making a loud noise and surprise has been 2 days and I haven't seen we go again with him not showing up and I am not sitting around here all day and everyday waiting on him to show...I have a life, lol
Well....I am going to go for tonight...I have stuff to do as a mommy....
Getting on with life....I had a water leak some where the other day and it just stopped. The home owner came out and looked and seen nothing. Later on in the day the guy that works on the air unit outside said the homeowner told him to come over to look at the unit outside because it was making a loud noise and surprise has been 2 days and I haven't seen we go again with him not showing up and I am not sitting around here all day and everyday waiting on him to show...I have a life, lol
Well....I am going to go for tonight...I have stuff to do as a mommy....
My link has been broken I have fixed it and I have to redo my page....the countdown thing was messing it if yo have a blog don't use it.....
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